Death Merchant

Harbinger of Death

Death Merchant was a legendary assassin who operated in the shadows of ancient civilizations. His true identity was unknown, and he was shrouded in mystery and secrecy. It was said that he could strike without warning, and no one was safe from his deadly skills. Death Merchant was known for his exceptional stealth and accuracy, and he was rumored to be able to walk through walls and disappear into thin air. Some even whispered that he was the embodiment of death itself, sent to claim the lives of those marked for destruction.   Many rulers and powerful figures feared Death Merchant, and it was rumored that he was in the employ of several secret societies and underground organizations. Some even believed that he was immortal, and that he had been operating in the shadows for centuries. No one knows for sure if the legend of Death Merchant is true, but his legend lives on to this day, and his name is still spoken in hushed tones by those who dare to whisper about the mysterious assassin in the shadows.
Year of Death
9981 DE
Circumstances of Death
Burnt to ashes by Cybel Qway


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