Cybel Qway

The Ethnarch of Existance (a.k.a. The Silver Demon)

Cybel Qway is a member of The Alvearius Authority and ranks the highest amongst the Tsar of The Alvearius Authorities subordinates, holding the rank of Alpha Initiative. They say an aura follows her presence that is inconceivable and although none have ever seen her, it is a feeling that is unforgettable. An immense pressure that would make the most powerful of men crumble to their knees.   Along with the The Alvearius Authority, Cybel's motives are unknown and it is not proven that she has sinister intentions much like the organisation she hails to. Those aware of her existence such as Seraphim Zayne, pray that she remains dormant and leaves the world outside of The Serpent Bay Grand Keep untouched. Seraphim told Akis Tides during their last meeting at Oppidum Exspiravit that Qway had made an appearance and all the Wet Stone which she set foot upon was left cracked and eroded.   Akis recalls her words:  
The moment she entered the city, I felt as though a boulder was strapped to my back. I simply found myself unable to function as I usually would, a magical presence such as that should not be able to reside in this world. The part I find most hilarious is, I could tell that was simply spillage, the aura was being controlled. What I felt was simply the small leaking essence that managed to escape it's owners body. The hour she was here felt like an eternity, when she left though I sent a servant girl out to see if anything looked strange, my god Akis... The path which she walked was Wet Stone, a thought to be indestructible material and even though only the slightest, it had still been damaged!

Lost Scrolls of Cybel Qway

After Cybel's depature from the Zaldious Sphere and Siduri Lahar, she found herself in a variety of interesting situations.  
Not Finished Yet
Even as the sands of time slipped through her fingers during her sojourn with Siduri, Cybel clung to the vision of a fateful intersection between their destinies, a day when Siduri's progeny might cross her path. Until that cosmic rendezvous, Cybel embarked upon the solitary journey of weaving her own epic, an odyssey in independence and inked with the quill of her singular narrative.

9975 DE: Demi-Battles

  Long after her departure from the empire of Siduri Lahar, Cybel Qway's journey through the material realm had taken her to the unknown, cities and kingdoms, forests and oceans she was yet to explore. In these locations her formidable magical talents and prowess were sought after by those in need of protection and power. She had become a mercenary—a wielder of arcane might for hire, and her reputation was as legendary as her silver hair once had been.   One fateful day, the winds of fate carried her to the Mettlewood Queenship, a place of lush forests and formidable warriors, ruled by Queen Orisa Sicade IV. The Queen's summons came at a time of great peril, as Fabiana Octavianus, a demi-goddess of unmatched power and ambition, sought to expand her dominion in the absence of Siduri Lahar. Mettlewood was Fabiana's next target, and its people turned to Queen Orisa for salvation.   The mission was clear—to protect the realm of Mettlewood from the impending conquest by Fabiana Octavianus, the Witch of the Skies. Cybel, with her reputation as a sorceress of unparalleled skill, was enlisted to stand as Mettlewood's last line of defense. It was a years-long assignment that would test the very limits of her power and resolve.   The war that unfolded was a relentless dance between two formidable forces. Fabiana's armies, bolstered by her demi-goddess might, clashed with the warriors of Mettlewood in a war of attrition that raged across the kingdom's borders. Battles were won and lost, and the land bore the scars of their conflict.   Cybel's cunning and magical prowess became a Sigel of confidence for the people of Mettlewood. She devised ingenious strategies, delving into the deepest depths of her magical knowledge to counter Fabiana's relentless advances. Each skirmish was a test of wills, a display of power and tactics that saw both sides take losses and victories in equal measure.   In the midst of this relentless conflict, Cybel's mastery of the arcane arts proved to be a game-changer. She wielded spells of breath taking complexity, altering the very fabric of reality to protect the realm she had been hired to defend. Her magical prowess grew with each battle, her determination unyielding.   The war between the Witch of the Skies and the Queen of Mettlewood stretched on, a saga of power and perseverance that captured the imagination of the realm. It was a battle for the ages, a clash of titanic forces, with Cybel at its heart—an indomitable force of magic and strategy. Many significant figures watched on as the years passed, making preparations if Cybel were to fall, after all she and The Mettlewood Queenship was the last major city before Fabiana struck through to the most populated area of The Reelonain Constellation. Visha Magnolia of Pontinyo, Darneil Burkan of Tarhurth and Atriguss Hasis of The Zaldious Sphere, eagerly awaited the result.   As Cybel Qway faced her final battle against the formidable demi-goddess Fabiana Octavianus, the stakes had never been higher. The fate of the Mettlewood Queenship hung in the balance, and the culmination of years of conflict had brought them to this decisive moment.   In the heat of battle, as spells clashed and the earth trembled beneath the duelling forces, Cybel made a choice that would resonate with her legacy as the Silver Demon. Her hair, which had been a beautiful cherry blonde for years, began to shimmer and transform once more. The strands of silver that had once defined her identity re-emerged, a radiant testament to her true self.   The transformation was not just cosmetic; it was symbolic of the power and determination that had carried her through countless battles. The return of her silver hair signified the resurgence of the Silver Demon within her—an embodiment of her unwavering resolve, her indomitable will, and the unstoppable force of magic that had defined her throughout her journey.   As her hair once again gleamed silver, Cybel unleashed a torrent of arcane might that echoed her newfound strength. The battle reached its zenith, a cataclysmic clash between the Witch of the Skies and the reborn Silver Demon. Sparks flew, magic crackled, and the very heavens seemed to tremble in the face of their conflict.   In the end, It was Cybel's mastery of the arcane, and the return of her silver hair that proved decisive. Fabiana Octavianus, once a seemingly invincible force, found herself outmatched and overpowered by the resurgence of the Silver Demon. With a final, awe-inspiring display of magic, Cybel vanquished Fabiana and secured the realm of Mettlewood's freedom once and for all.   As Cybel stood amidst the battlefield, her silver hair billowing like a silken banner of triumph, she once again realised unleashing the Silver Demon was a dangerous prospect.  
Return of the Silver Demon
As Cybel rode upon her ivory steed, her argent tresses danced in the zephyr's embrace. Thus heralded the homecoming of the Silver Demon, a being whose arcane mastery knew no equal, a force nigh unstoppable.

9980 DE: The Silver Demon Must Die!

  In the quiet corridors of the Mettlewood Queenship, a shadowy plot was set into motion. Queen Orisa Sicade IV, her heart a turbulent sea of anger and fear, had been harbouring a deep resentment towards Cybel Qway, the legendary Silver Demon. She viewed Cybel's long-held secret and her sudden revelation of her true power as a breach of trust—a transgression against their contract, and a threat to her own authority.   Fuelled by her anger and unease, Queen Orisa sought a solution—a means to eliminate the perceived threat that Cybel posed to her rule. In the depths of secrecy, she turned to a figure of legendary notoriety—a being known only as The Death Merchant. This mystical assassin was a spectre of the shadows, a legend shrouded in mystery and cloaked in secrets.   The Death Merchant's true identity remained an unsolvable riddle, and whispers of his unparalleled skills had earned him a reputation that transcended mere mortals. He was rumoured to possess abilities beyond the scope of the ordinary, to strike without warning, to move through the world with an uncanny stealth that bordered on the supernatural.   It was said that Death Merchant could walk through walls and disappear into thin air, that he had the power to appear and vanish at will, leaving no trace of his presence save for the cold, lifeless aftermath of his targets. Some whispered that he was not just an assassin, but the very embodiment of death itself—an entity sent to claim the lives of those marked for destruction.   Queen Orisa's decision to employ Death Merchant was a desperate measure, born of her unease at the prospect of Cybel's power being wielded against her. In the world of shadows and intrigue, where trust was a rare and fleeting commodity, the queen believed that eliminating the Silver Demon was the only path to safeguard her realm and her reign.   And so, the Queen's gambit began, setting in motion a chain of events that would draw the enigmatic Death Merchant into a new web of intrigue—one where the legendary Silver Demon and the harbinger of death would soon find themselves on a collision course, their fates entwined in a shadowy dance of power and deception.  
The Merchant and The Demon
Inevitably, the collision of two maestros at the zenith of their respective arts loomed on the horizon—an apex executor of demise and an arcane sorcerer whose heights defied mortal imagination.

9981 DE: The Dance

  In the relentless game of shadows that unfolded, Cybel Qway found herself constantly aware of Death Merchant's looming presence. His pursuit was like a haunting spectre, a palpable dread that clung to her every step. She could sense his watchful gaze, the sensation of being hunted, but his true form remained elusive—a phantom in the periphery of her perception.   One fateful encounter would reveal the true peril she faced. In a moment of astonishing skill and audacity, Death Merchant materialized from the veil of obscurity, his dark form coalescing into existence. The element of surprise was his ally, and with a swift, calculated strike, he managed to graze Cybel's hand with his magic dagger, the infamous "Malevolent Life Shadow."   The consequences of that seemingly minor wound would become chillingly clear. As Cybel felt the cold steel cut through her defences, a sinister magic seemed to seep into her very being. It was as if Malevolent Life Shadow had siphoned away not only her blood but a portion of her vitality—a malevolence that refused to relent until its wielder was vanquished.   Cybel watched in growing trepidation as the wound on her hand festered, refusing to heal. It was an injury that defied natural laws, a dark magic that bound her fate to that of her relentless pursuer. In that moment, she realized the true nature of the threat posed by Death Merchant. He was not just an assassin of flesh and blood; he wielded an insidious power that could haunt and torment his victims long after the blade had drawn blood.   With the malevolent wound serving as a chilling reminder of the relentless danger she faced, Cybel's resolve only grew stronger. The pursuit had intensified into a deadly cat-and-mouse game, a battle of wits and skill between the Silver Demon and the harbinger of death. In the shadows, their destinies were intertwined, and the outcome remained uncertain—a dance of danger and deceit that would push Cybel's abilities to their limits as she sought to unravel the enigma that was Death Merchant.   The relentless pursuit by Death Merchant continued, a dance of shadows and intrigue that seemed without end. Cybel Qway, the Silver Demon, had become intimately acquainted with the danger. Yet, with each encounter, she learned more about his methods, his patterns, and his vulnerabilities.   As the game of cat and mouse unfolded, Cybel's knowledge of her adversary deepened. She had come to understand that Death Merchant's strength lay in his ability to strike swiftly and silently, in the shadowy realm where he held the advantage. His Malevolent Life Shadow dagger, the source of his insidious power, was a relentless threat that could only be neutralized by defeating him.   Cybel's strategy began to take shape—a meticulous plan that would require cunning, precision, and the element of surprise. She would turn the tables on Death Merchant, luring him into a trap of her own making.   First, she sought to disrupt his meticulous surveillance. Cybel employed her formidable magical abilities to create illusions and misdirection, leading Death Merchant astray and making him question the accuracy of his own senses. Shadows danced where there were none, whispers echoed through empty corridors, and the hunter became the hunted.   Next, Cybel orchestrated a series of false trails and diversions, leaving subtle clues and tantalizing hints that seemed to lead to her location. These breadcrumbs of deception led Death Merchant on a circuitous path, a maze of uncertainty where the true target remained concealed.   Then came the crucial moment, the culmination of her plan. Cybel positioned herself in a location of her choosing, one where she could maintain the upper hand. She knew Death Merchant would be drawn to this opportunity, believing it to be her true location.   As the assassin closed in, the tension in the air was palpable. Cybel's heart beat like a war drum, but her determination remained unshaken. She had one final element to unleash—a powerful warding spell, pure magic that would ensnare and immobilize her adversary upon his arrival, Maximised Technique: Hold Person.   The moment arrived like a storm. Death Merchant materialized from the shadows, his dark form converging upon Cybel's supposed location. As he stepped into her trap, the warding spell activated, its magical tendrils coiling around him like ethereal chains. He struggled against their grip, but Cybel's magic held him fast, rendering him immobile and powerless.   In that moment, the tide had turned. Cybel approached her captive adversary, her eyes gleaming with a mixture of triumph and determination. She disarmed him, taking Malevolent Life Shadow into her own hands, its dark magic flowing through her as a chilling reminder of their past encounters.   Cybel confronted Death Merchant. She offered him a choice—reveal his true identity and the source of his power or face the consequences of his continued silence. In the face of inconceivable power, the legendary assassin caved.   In that revelation, the true name and the mysterious backstory of the assassin were laid bare. His motives, his origin, and the darkness that had driven him to this life of shadows were exposed. With that knowledge, Cybel had achieved her ultimate goal—she had unraveled the enigma of Death Merchant.   Instead of extending a hand of mercy, Cybel's resolve hardened. She saw in Death Merchant a threat that could not be contained, a darkness that could not be allowed to persist. The risk of his return, his thirst for vengeance or the continuation of his malevolent pursuits, was a threat too great to bear. Cybel summoned the full force of her magical abilities. Flames of otherworldly intensity engulfed Death Merchant, reducing him to ashes in a searing conflagration.  
The True Embodiment
In prevailing over the harbinger of death, it became evident that if Death Merchant symbolized death's approach, then Cybel personified the very essence of an Angel of Death. The challengers positioned before the Silver Demon were children in the grand orchestration of her existence.


Cybel Qway


Towards Vereck The Ceer


Vereck The Ceer


Towards Cybel Qway


Siduri Lahar

Close Friend

Towards Cybel Qway


Cybel Qway

Close Friend

Towards Siduri Lahar


Austeja Vitkus


Towards Cybel Qway


Cybel Qway


Towards Austeja Vitkus


Fabiana Octavianus


Towards Cybel Qway


Cybel Qway


Towards Fabiana Octavianus


Orisa Sicade IV


Towards Cybel Qway


Cybel Qway

Service Provide

Towards Orisa Sicade IV


Sagrys Willow


Towards Cybel Qway


Cybel Qway


Towards Sagrys Willow


Currently Held Titles
Long, Cherry Blonde
Tsar of The Alvearius Authority
Cybel's Predeparture Appearance


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