Eastern Triad

The Eastern Triad is a powerful and large criminal organisation that operates in The Eastlands within The Isles of Isaiath. Known for their political intrigue and careful planning, they have established themselves as the most prominent illicit organisation in the area. The Eastern Triad has a vast network of criminal activities, including but not limited to, smuggling, black market trading, racketeering and extortion.   Despite their notorious reputation, the Eastern Triad is also known for their strict code of conduct and loyalty to their members. They value the honour and tradition of eastern history and try to uphold the ideals of their ancestors. Any member found to be betraying the gang is swiftly punished. The Eastern Triad is constantly in competition with other gangs and law enforcement, but their power and influence make them a force to be reckoned with. They control the criminal underworld of the east side of the continent, and those who cross them do so at their own peril.   The Eastern Triad has three head members, known as the "Three Dragons." Each of the Three Dragons is responsible for overseeing a different aspect of the gang's operations, such as finances, operations, and military. The Three Dragons work together to make decisions for the gang and to ensure its continued success. Their cooperation and unity are seen as key to the Eastern Triad's dominance in the criminal underworld.   The Eastern Triad is known to have extensive connections within the government of the eastern region of the continent. This allows them to avoid consequences for their illegal activities and to manipulate the legal system to their advantage.   Many members of the Eastern Triad who are arrested for various charges often seem to avoid sentencing, leading to speculation that they have corrupt officials working within the government on their payroll. This has made it difficult for law enforcement to effectively prosecute the gang and bring an end to its criminal activities. The Director of Justice, Dron Vermillion has visited The East Court numerous times in the past few years and many speculate she will at some point attempt to bring down the hammer on the Triad
Illicit, Gang
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