The Isles of Isaiath Geographic Location in The Kingdom Era | World Anvil

The Isles of Isaiath


The Isles of Isaiath is the second smallest of the four known continents. It is split into five countries which are all under rule of the king, the capital being Sons of Titus located in The Crownlands. The other four countries include: The Eastlands, this country is managed by Warden of the East and is the largest of the 5 countries. The Forest, home to the large centre forest, solely populated by Elves. The Gold Plains, The capital of the Gold Plains, Tis'Envar is responsible for the large majority of the continents wealth. The Mountainside, the mountain region is populated by mainly dwarves and a heavy source of the continents resources.

Natural Resources

Isaiath features large coal and gold mines around the land which come to be benifical resources for general and trading means.


The Isles is constantly travelled to by those from the Lands of VeCoastal.
Included Organizations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Related Ethnicities
Characters in Location
Related Tradition (Primary)


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