
(a.k.a. The Cosmic Cleaner)

End is a divine entity that is feared in the religion known as The Prosperous Path, he is known to reside in the "Pathway Realm." End or better known as "The Cosmic Cleaner," is believed to be the one responsible for shattering ancient paths in the intersection that it believes one will never walk.   Priests of the religion tell a story to believers, it explains that End is an entity that has judged the realm as unworthy to walk the divine paths and is constantly oppressed by other entities such as Girl Of The Cloud Walker, they battle End in order to prevent it from destroying the intersection, which would ultimately prevent anyone from accessing the "Pathway Realm." If one is to see End, it only means he is there to permanently cut off someone's path from enlightenment. The entity along with the "Mortus inanis" are the biggest threats to achieving "Consensus Enlightenment."
Divine Classification


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