The Prosperous Path

The religion known as The Prosperous Path is young, yet is gaining a tremendous following, it is essentially the most worshiped religion in the Tussarian Empire over taking the Collection of the Six. The religion revolves around the idea that the soul is bound to an endless intersection of divine pathways and once one learns how to navigate them, they can become truly prosperous in their life and achieve greatness.   A believer (known as a Prosperous) will attend daily worship rituals at a Church of the Prosperous, where a priest will connect ones consciousness into the "Pathway Realm," once there it is up to the individual to decipher the path they walk down and then achieve its enlightenment in reality. These enlightenments can be things such as completing a various task or making peace with a person one holds malice against. Priests are said to be those who have truly achieved prosperity and are qualified to help other followers decipher their enlightenment, often guiding them to what their next task is.   In the "Pathway Realm," there are a variety of entities that exist, these are what believers call "Gods of the Paths" and many also worship particular entities within the realm along with the religion itself. Generally when one is navigating the divine intersection, they might spot one of these gods floating in the distance or hiding amongst the cosmic clouds but very rarely do these entities appear close enough for one to get a worth while look.   There are those however who have had an experience with one of these entities, they are known as the "God Touched." A God Touched is someone who has had a face to face experience with one of the divine entities that exist in the "Pathway Realm," some have claimed to have spoken to them and been assigned their enlightenment tasks directly from the entity. If a priest confirms a person has been god touched, they gain a great status in the churches and many will attempt to assist them in achieving their enlightenment due to the belief that this will help the realms complete the concept of "Consensus Enlightenment."   Consensus Enlightenment is the idea that the entities within the "Pathway Realm" desire for everyone in the realm to walk the correct divine path and achieve prosperity, once this has been enacted those who are "God Touched" will ascend to the top of existence and usher a new age of divine prosperity, where everything is connected as one and all conflict is pointless. In order to reach "Consensus Enlightenment" it is believed that it is the job of fellow believers to help the "God Touched" to achieve their enlightenment so they are ready to sit atop of reality when the time is near.   An individual who refuses the existence of the Divine Intersection is known as a "Mortus inanis." The belief is that these individuals once walked a divine path but had slipped and fell into the depths of the "Pathway Realm." Unable to climb back up and receive their enlightenment task, they became jealous and wished for the paths to be destroyed so no one could become prosperous. The phrase "Mortus Inanis" comes from an ancient translation in a Xalo Xido scroll meaning "Dead to the Void."
Founding Date
5742 AE
Religious, Organised Religion
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