Evil's End

Evil's End was one of the most powerful Wanderer Guild parties since the guilds creation, the only party that could come close to it's legend is Beyond Death. The four members would strike fear even into the most fearsome of opponents and upon hiring the party, a job would be considered as good as done.   The parties composition was near perfection. Led by the smart and strategical Lizardfolk healer and Obsidian Wanderer, Sigucara Tekash, the members would be in complete tandem at every moment on the battlefield, hardly ever being caught by surprise. The Elvish Platinum Wanderer and diverse warrior Arielle Clarilian, was both powerful and quick. Capable of holding a large area and rarely ever being overwhelmed by the opponent, the other members could easily focus on their objectives. Next came Obsidian Wanderer, Tailah Godsent. A Magical Binding prodigy, many imagined that she would at some point reach the heights of Nurys Nevermore, her quick casting was something that could leave jaws dropped along the ground, her firepower made the party an even more formidable foe. Lastly was the legendary Painite Wanderer Cole Nazarick, an absolute wild card due to his magical artefact, capable of turning the battle completely on it's head.   The news of Evil's End's demise spread quickly throughout the land, shocking those who had heard of their deeds and the fear they instilled in their enemies. Many wondered what could have possibly brought down such a powerful group of Wanderers. Some say that they were killed by a powerful demon that had been unleashed upon The Reelonain Constellation, while others believe they were betrayed by their employer. Whatever the cause, the loss of Evil's End was a great blow to the Guild, their legend continues to live on as a reminder of the dangers that lurk in the unknown.   Despite the mystery surrounding their deaths, Evil's End will always be remembered as a group of heroes who faced every challenge head-on and never backed down in the face of danger. Their legacy will continue to inspire future generations of adventurers to follow in their footsteps and confront evil wherever it may be found.   It is well known that the Director of Justice, Dron Vermillion showed great curiosity in uncovering the truth behind Evil's end's catastrophic demise. Conducting a thorough investigation, it seems that she was unable to uncover any concrete information about what caused the party's death. The lack of information released to the Guild has led to speculation and rumours about what really happened.   Some believe that Director Vermillion is withholding the truth for her own purposes, while others suspect that there may be darker forces at play that are preventing the truth from coming to light. High ranking wanderers such as Henry Mage Bane and Viridian Albertross have openly expressed suspicion about the lack of information released about Evil's End's demise. It remains to be seen whether the truth about their deaths will ever be revealed, but it seems that the mystery surrounding their demise will continue to haunt the world of adventurers for years to come.
Adventuring Party
Training Level
Veterancy Level


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