Pyramus & The Flight of the Crows

The Feathered Ellat

  In the years following the triumph over the Golden Infection, Atriguss' rule over The Reelonain Constellation remained marked by a commitment to safeguarding his realm and ensuring its lasting peace. However, whispers of a growing criminal organization known as The Crows had reached his ears.   As Atriguss delved deeper into the reports about the Crows, he became increasingly concerned about the organization's capabilities. The Crows were rumoured to possess formidable fighters and magic users who operated with ruthless efficiency. Atriguss knew that he needed someone with extraordinary skills and undeniable loyalty to handle the black birds.   It would be comedy for the emperor of the Zaldious Sphere to think of anyone other than his closest ally Pyramus Eduanna Ellat, who had stood by him in every situation, from battle against Death Praiser to the war against Orisa Sicade IV. Her mastery of the Chains of Pyramus and vast magical knowledge were unparalleled, making her the perfect candidate for any perilous mission. Atriguss, however, also recognized that her distinctive appearance would make covert infiltration challenging.   Together, they devised a plan. They knew they needed the expertise of an individual who could alter Pyramus's appearance in a way that would allow her to blend seamlessly into the criminal underworld. Atriguss would turn to a new direct subordinate, who had joined his ranks shortly after the events of The Golden Tree, Vide Apostolo Turrim.   Vide Apostolo, a figure of mystery and intrigue in their own right, jumped to the opportunity to assist her emperor in this delicate matter. Working together, they carefully transformed Pyramus's appearance, giving her silver hair and smoky grey eyes, effectively concealing her true identity. Although her facial structure remained similar, Pyramus was virtually unrecognizable after dawning steel face mask.  
Atriguss: You understand, Pyramus, that you are under no obligation to follow this order. I am well aware of your aversion to those who pale in comparison to your abilities.   Pyramus: I have no qualifications to decide that. I am a tool, led by the hands of my emperor. But heeding your summons is my own decision, and it is my choice alone to bear the resentment of the feeble.   Atriguss: Are you still spouting such nonsense? You really remain unaltered even after confronting the creation of a deity.   Pyramus: Says you... Who believes he can challenge the divine while being bound by mortal constraints.   Atriguss: Indeed, if the child I once was could gaze upon the man I have become, the shock would be enough to shatter his innocence.   Pyramus: Is that so? If your childhood self was just like what Visha said... I'm sure he still would've chosen this path to live on for the sake of the material plane, the realm he chose to protect.
Black Catcher
The Raven's imminent demise drew nigh, as Pyramus poised herself to ensnare the very heart of the organization within the golden chains of her name.

The Simple Master Plan

  Atriguss and Pyramus, the latter using the alias Ellu Apsu, executed a carefully orchestrated chain of events to draw the attention of this elusive and dangerous group.   Event 1: The Mysterious Artefact: Vide Apostolo, working covertly, disseminated information throughout the criminal underworld about a legendary artefact. This announcement generated intrigue and curiosity, due to the upcoming black market auction.   Event 2: The Auction: On the day of the auction, Ellu Apsu attended the event as a mysterious figure who had expressed a deep interest in the artefact. During the auction, Ellu Apsu, under Atriguss's guidance, feigned a daring attempt to steal the coveted artefact. This carefully staged incident created a buzz among the Crows, who were now drawn to Ellu Apsu as a potential recruit with the skills and audacity they sought.   Event 3: The Meeting: With the suspicion now centred around Ellu Apsu, she received an invitation from the Crows to meet with one of their representatives. This clandestine encounter took place in a dimly lit, secluded location, where the emissary discussed the organization's interest in her abilities and potential contributions.   Event 4: The Test: To prove her commitment and capabilities, Ellu Apsu undertook a covert mission assigned by the Crows. She executed the mission with precision and skill, demonstrating her worth and earning their trust.  
Atriguss: How amusing that you were so easily accepted into the embrace of the underground, perhaps it is your calling.   Pyramus: Spare me the pleasantries, Guss. There's something insidious lurking in the halls of their domain.   Atriguss: Hm?   Pyramus: Likely, my natural adversary of sorts.   Atriguss: Oh? A harbinger of death and pestilence, you suspect? I, of all people, had let the arrogance of our superiority momentarily cloud my vision. I had forgotten that threats capable of challenging my empire still exist.   Pyramus: Am I among those threats?   Atriguss: You have no need for my position do you? With your power, you could ascend to empress of an entire continent in the blink of an eye.   Pyramus: My duty lies in protecting my emperor though, I cannot sustain harm and simply vanish.   Atriguss: Very well, then. Let us indulge in a grand banquet once we've purged these insurgents from the shadows.

Expanding the Arsenal

  Pyramus understood that the Crows were an untapped valve of potential knowledge and kept her eyes open to learning. One day, she crossed paths with Eri Obulight, a mid tiered Crows member but a skilled user of Barrier Manipulation techniques.   Pyramus approached Eri with respect, acknowledging and stroking her self proclaimed title as a master of the arcane. She expressed her desire to learn the secrets of barrier techniques, emphasizing the advantages such knowledge could bring. Eri, though initially cautious, recognized the wisdom in Pyramus's intentions and agreed to impart her knowledge. Under Eri's guidance, Pyramus delved deep into the complexities of barrier magic. She learned the intricacies of creating Curtains, vast spherical barriers that concealed magical activities from non-sorcerers.   Throughout her training, Pyramus grasped the fundamental principle behind Curtains: their effectiveness could be finely tuned through the use of specific conditions. The stronger a Curtain was in keeping individuals within its boundaries, the weaker it became against external intrusion.   Under Eri Obulight's tutelage, Pyramus not only delved into the intricacies of barrier manipulation but also acquired vital knowledge on how to defend against advanced and devastating barrier techniques, such as the formidable Dyoitch Tenkai. One of the defensive techniques Eri taught Pyramus was the ██████ ██████ ██████. This particular technique allowed Pyramus to █████ a █████████ ███████ that took on the ██████████ of a ██████ ██████, ██████████ the caster within its ██████████ ████████. ██████ ██████ ██████ served a crucial purpose—it ███████████ of Dyoitch Tenkai, effectively ██████████ ██████████ within those barriers.   As Pyramus honed her mastery of the arcane arts, she learned to deploy the ██████ ██████ ██████ with precision. With this newfound knowledge Pyramus only strengthened her presence. Finding these teachings valuable she delved deeper into the ranks, eventually meeting her next teacher Aortia Linguise, a master swordswoman.   Aortia would teach Pyramus the most advanced sword techniques, being such a divine learner, Pyramus was easily able to absorb the information and improve herself. She would learn the pinnacle of swordsmanship, "Bankai," within three years. Bankai was arguably more rare to face in battle at the time than Dyoitch Tenkai, Pyramus is still the only person in history capable of performing both supreme arts.  
Emerge from the darkness, blacker than darkness. Purify that which is impure.

The Betrayal of Ellu Apsu

  Pyramus was now prepared to set her plan of dismantling the Crows into motion. Her first step was to neutralize Eri and Aortia, who had been mentoring her. With the mastery of her newly acquired abilities, Pyramus carefully orchestrated her move. Her use of the ██████ ██████ ██████ technique and Bankai, would serve as pivotal elements in her upcoming battle.   With a display of sheer power and mastery that overwhelmed her opponent, Pyramus proved herself as a force to be reckoned with. Eri, despite her expertise in barrier techniques, found herself outmatched by Pyramus's relentless assault. The swift strikes of Pyramus's chains, coupled with her blinding agility, left Eri at a distinct disadvantage. Additionally, Pyramus cunningly manipulated a barrier, initially modest in size, which steadily expanded throughout the battle, ultimately ensnaring Eri and sealing her fate against the walls.   Following that, it was Aortia's turn. At a well-timed instance when they found themselves in solitude, Pyramus extended a challenge for a duel, fully aware that Aortia wouldn't decline. Their blades clashed, and despite Aortia's formidable prowess, it became increasingly apparent that Pyramus, aided by her chains, held the upper hand. As the duel inched toward a dire impasse, Aortia unleashed her Bankai. Her Bankai was a refined and potent display of power, showcasing her remarkable abilities. Nevertheless, Pyramus emerged victorious without even resorting to her own Bankai, triumphing over Aortia even in the face of her potent release.  


  Having vanquished both Eri Obulight and Aortia Linguise, Pyramus continued on her relentless journey. She navigated the labyrinthine halls of Crows, encountering no formidable adversary. The weight of culling those she deemed feeble pressed heavily upon her heart, but the peril they posed to Atriguss' empire spurred her inexorable advance.   Pyramus surged through the ranks of the Crows organization, triumphing over all, regardless of their stature within the group. She reached the brink of physical exhaustion, and at this juncture, the Crows unleashed their most formidable soldiers. In her fatigued state, Pyramus faced the sobering reality that her adversaries possessed the potential to overcome her. It was then that Pyramus, with unwavering resolve, summoned the might of her Bankai, "Konets Krasnogo Nachala." In this ultimate assault, she vanquished the last of the Crows, a testament to her unattainable prowess. Pyramus, through her artful infiltration and methodical devastation, had orchestrated the clandestine dissolution of one of the most formidable criminal syndicates from its very heart.   When Pyramus returned from her mission, words were sparing, for her exploits remained veiled in the shadows, known only to the select few. The emperor, her sole confidant, received her with a quiet knowing, his expectations met, but not exceeded, for he knew that such triumphs were little work for his cherished friend.  
Konets Krasnogo Nachala
"Konets Krasnogo Nachala," the Bankai of Pyramus, enshrouded her in a resplendent crimson hue, mirroring the depths of her own mesmerizing gaze. Even in its nascent state, it was palpable that Pyramus' Bankai held the promise of blossoming into something unimaginable, in fact it was destined to anoint her as the strongest.
Text, Literature


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