The Golden Tree

Setting the Stage

  In the years that followed The Silver Demon's triumph over The Witch of the Skies, the Mettlewood Queenship, under the rule of Queen Orisa Sicade IV, had once again walked along a dangerous path. This time, their sights were set on the formidable empire that Atriguss, son of the Empress in Plain Sight, Siduri Lahar, had rebuilt. Years after his mothers depature, Atriguss had matured into an admirable leader. He had taken the reins of the Zaldious Sphere, transforming it into a prosperous and influential empire. The legacy of his mother's rule and the strength she had instilled in him were evident in every corner of his realm.   Queen Orisa now threatened what the young emperor had worked so hard to establish. She had made a pact with a deity known as Rapulse, the God of Disease and Incidental Death. The terms of this ominous agreement remained shrouded in mystery, but it came with a dire promise: immunity from a plague known as the Golden Infection.   The Golden Infection was a terrifying malady that had the power to transform entire lands into a desolate, golden wasteland. It consumed those afflicted by it, turning them into hollow echoes of their former selves, all while spreading like wildfire. With her pact, Queen Orisa sought not only to protect her people but also took advantage to use the disease as a weapon of biological warfare.  
Spread of Gold
The Infectious Gold extended its covetous tendrils, an insidious grasp unfurling across the land, altering all it embraced with a malevolent touch.

A Beautiful Dread

  The spread of the Golden Infection across the Reelonian Constellation began with horrifying speed. Once-lush landscapes turned to lifeless gold, and countless lives were lost to the insidious plague. Rapulse granted Queen Orisa two seemingly immortal golden knights, Hyimer Grenleacher and Barasion Celmer, both formed from the very essence of the Golden Infection. These knights were formidable and nigh-indestructible, serving as the queen's enforcers and instruments of devastation.   Atriguss, driven by the memory of his mother's wisdom and his own determination, had already begun preparations to counter this looming threat. By his side was Pyramus Eduanna Ellat, his only friend whose bond had only strengthened after defeating Death Praiser years earlier, a relationship akin to the connection between Siduri Lahar and Cybel Qway.  

A Divine Plague

  Atriguss knew that the Golden Infection posed a dire threat to the entire Reelonain Constellation and used every available asset to deter and combat it. Ten major moves took place under his watchful eye.  
  1. Scientific Research: Atriguss called upon the realm's most brilliant minds to conduct extensive scientific research into the nature of the Golden Infection. They studied its origins, transmission methods, and weaknesses, seeking to unveil any vulnerability that could be exploited.
  3. Magical Countermeasures: The young emperor reached out to the most skilled mages and wizards, from the Binders of The Silent Marshes to the witches of The Clattanoia Sisterhood, tasking them with crafting powerful magical wards and barriers to protect borders from the advance of the infection.
  5. Healing Initiatives: Atriguss implemented extensive healing initiatives, providing care and treatment to those afflicted by the Golden Infection. He constructed infirmaries staffed by the realm's finest healers, working tirelessly to mitigate the plague's devastating effects.
  7. Quarantine Protocols: Recognizing the need for containment, Atriguss established strict quarantine protocols for areas already affected by the Golden Infection. These measures aimed to prevent further spread while providing support and aid to the quarantined populations.
  9. Alliances and Diplomacy: Atriguss reached out to neighbouring leaders, such as Visha Magnolia of Pontinyo, forming alliances to combat the shared threat. He offered assistance to those also affected by the Golden Infection and sought cooperation in research and resource sharing.
  11. Resource Allocation: The ruler wisely allocated vast resources to the efforts against the Golden Infection. Food, clean water, and medical supplies were distributed to affected regions to ensure the survival of those in quarantine and to support their eventual recovery.
  13. Education and Awareness: Atriguss launched extensive awareness campaigns to educate his people about the nature of the Golden Infection and the importance of following safety protocols. Knowledge became a potent weapon against ignorance.
  15. Magical Artefacts: Delving into his vast vault of magical artefacts, Atriguss sought items with potential powers to counteract the plague. These ancient relics were harnessed and put to use in the battle against the Golden Infection.
  17. Strategic Military Deployment: Recognizing that force might be necessary to halt the infection's advance, Atriguss deployed his military strategically to secure key regions, preventing further contamination.
  19. Unity and Resolve: Atriguss knew that unity and the indomitable spirit of his people were their greatest strengths. He rallied his subjects, inspiring them with his speech:
    Atriguss stood before the immense crowd, taking a deep breath to gather the hearts and spirits of his people. He raised his arms, his voice resounding with determination:   I say it once again!   The Constellation may fall,   A fact we cannot change.   But let there be no lament!   For if just one among us sees the dawn of victory,   Our ways of life will be etched into their very soul!   Even if we pass on, even if we bear no more offspring,   Our people shall leave behind a legacy, a resolute will within themselves!   These are the bonds of our strength, forged not by blood but by intellect,   A succession of lives that defy the fall of empires!   Even in our darkest hour, we shall be a beacon of hope on the cusp of victory,   Guiding generations with the radiance of our resolve!   Prepare yourselves, my fellow warriors, for this is the moment to defy the gods...   And usher in an era of humanity's own making!   This, my friends, is the true battle for our emancipation from divine rule!   So, give me your lives, Atriguss Lugalbanda Hasis!   Pass on the glorious empire that is ours, from this generation to the last!
Son of Lahar
Atriguss, akin to his maternal legacy, had evolved into a luminous emblem, fearless amidst the abyss of chaos. His ascendancy transcended the mere mantle of an emperor, elevating him to the pantheon of indelible historical titans.

A Cure

  As Atriguss witnessed the unity and resolve of his people, from rulers to commoners, he couldn't help but feel a heavy burden weighing upon his shoulders. Despite all their efforts and the collective determination that coursed through the realm, a gnawing sense of unease settled in his heart.   He understood the gravity of the situation, recognizing that the Golden Infection posed a threat unlike any other. The extensive preparations, alliances forged, and resources marshalled, though valiant, felt like mere stopgaps in the face of an insidious force they barely comprehended.   Atriguss, the heir to his mother Siduri Lahar's indomitable spirit, knew that the fate of the Reelonian Constellation hung in the balance. The weight of responsibility for the lives of his people, the survival of their way of life, and the future of their realm bore down on him relentlessly. Deep within, he realized that he was racing against time, desperately seeking a way to truly stop the Golden Infection.   Amidst the weight of the world, it was Pyramus, with her gentle yet resolute voice, who offered a perspective that cut through the despair. She spoke to Atriguss, her words carrying a profound truth that resonated within him.  
"The gods," Pyramus began, her tone stoic, "are not just, and they do not stand with us in this struggle. If we seek to halt the advance of the Golden Infection, we must take matters into our own hands. To stop the plague at its source, we must cut off the head of the serpent—that head being Queen Orisa herself.
  Atriguss, his determination renewed by Pyramus's insight, met her gaze with a solemn nod. He understood the gravity of their mission, the necessity of confronting the source of this malevolent power, even if it meant challenging the very gods themselves.   Atriguss and Pyramus, ventured forth on their perilous mission to confront Queen Orisa Sicade IV. As they journeyed through the infected lands, their path was fraught with challenges and horrors. The once-thriving landscapes had been transformed into desolate, golden wastelands, and the eerie silence was punctuated only by the distant cries of the infected.   The armies of Queen Orisa, bolstered by her malevolent pact, sought to obstruct their progress at every turn. But Atriguss and Pyramus Eduanna, cut through their ranks with an unstoppable force. Their unity and shared purpose were an unbreakable bond that enabled them to overcome every obstacle.   However, the most daunting challenge lay ahead—the final battle against the two seemingly immortal golden knights, Hyimer Grenleacher and Barasion Celmer. These creations of the Golden Infection were guardians of the queen's stronghold and her most trusted defenders. As Atriguss and Pyramus stood before the final hurdle, they were confident as ever.   As the battle ensued, the knights held their ground with a chilling silence. However it was not enough, as they fought, Atriguss with the support of the Chains of Pyramus behind him, battered and embarrassed two previously untouchable warriors.   Upon capturing Queen Orisa Sicade IV, the young emperor sought a form of justice that would serve as a powerful message to his people and the realm at large. He chose to make her face the consequences of her actions publicly. Orisa's walk of shame, stripped of her regal attire, was a harrowing journey that spanned from Mettlewood to Atriguss' empire. It was a journey of humility and penance, designed to make her reflect upon her deeds and their impact on the people she had harmed.   As she walked this path, the months of agony and humiliation weighed heavily on the once-mighty queen. The ordeal was a stark reminder of the consequences of her choices and the suffering she had caused. The citizens of Atriguss' empire, embittered by the devastation wrought by the Golden Infection, expressed their anger and resentment. They jeered, booed, and even resorted to throwing stones as Orisa made her way through the gates.   In the end, Queen Orisa Sicade IV met her fate before a gathered crowd. Atriguss' decision to execute her by guillotine was a solemn and final act of justice, intended to bring closure to a chapter of suffering for his empire.  
In the aftermath of annihilating the Golden Infection, reducing the Mettlewood Queenship to ashes, and administering the ultimate fate to Queen Orisa Sicade IV, Atriguss found himself pondering whether he and Pyramus wielded a potency rivaling that of the celestial deities themselves.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type



  • Full might of the Zaldious Sphere
  • The Golden Duo of Hyimer Grenleacher & Barasion Celmer
  • The Golden Infection


  • Thousands Killed
  • Precious Time Wasted
  • Annihilation of The Mettlewood Queenship


  • Defeat the Zaldious Sphere & spread the Golden Infection


  • Reelonain Constellation


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