The Drow


An ancient story tells of a select group of Elf who were tricked into worshiping Lolth, the Goddess of spiders and nocturnal darkness. The worship of a corrupt god turned their skin gray and eyes red, caused them to become sensitive to sunlight, leading to refuge in the underground cave systems common in the Isles of Isaiath. The story tells of a conflict in values/beliefs between pure and Drow elves, causing a long ruthless war to ensue. After many decades of battle the pure pushed their former brothers into a set of cave systems and fortified the known entrances, building atop the gate of the Drow underground.


In recent history the Drow are nothing but a myth and have not been sighted or attempted to escape their dark prison in centuries. The inactivity of the Elven counterpart has lead to many claiming that the tales are to frighten those who even consider to worship Lolth and nothing more. The legend however is known throughout the Isles. Many have found alternative entrances to the cave system, claiming the Drow are no where to be found furthering the identity of the story to be a piece of false history.
Date of First Recording
1064 AE
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