The Runecraft Workshop of Gond

Purpose / Function

The Runecraft Workshop of Gond is the centre of all rune related forging and item enhancement and the headquarters of the Runesmith’s Guild. Rune forging allows a crafter to access the magical potential of sigils created by the first runesmiths and their contemporaries. The runecraft is an extremely delicate art and requires great skill to pull off, many travel to the workshop in hopes of learning the knowledge and using it for their own means, however the dwarfs generally seem to be the only people capable of consistently creating effective items.  

Additional information about runestones and runecraft:

The following rules apply to the use of runestones:
  • In order to use a runestone, it must first be affixed to a piece of equipment with the runic tag. Only equipment with the runic tag can channel the magical properties of runestones.
  • A creature must be attuned to the item to gain the benefits of an affixed rune.
  • Generally a maximum of one runestone can be affixed to a piece of equipment at a time. However the most skilled runecrafters are capable of affixing more.
  • A runestone can be removed from a piece of equipment, but it is destroyed in the process.
Identiftying Runestones:
Runestones are identified in a manner similar to identifying magic items. Simply handling a runestone causes a strong sense of its identity to echo in a character’s mind. For example, touching a runestone engraved with the Tempus rune might cause the hair on your neck to stand on end as visions of battle and thunderstorms flash through your mind. As the runes are based on modern Gods, those able to read Dwarvish can comprehend their general meaning, which may provide clues about the runestone’s nature and properties.


The ancient practice of rune forging and magic originated during the Age of Ash in 3599 AE. Since that time, the dwarves have studied the techniques of the skiltgravr (“rune cutters”), adapting the rune knowledge of their predicessors and turning it into their own. They have become quite skilled with their use of runestones, Runestones are gemstones used as foci for the magic contained within the sigils engraved onto them by runesmiths. A prized export of dwarven society, they are sold to wealthy adventurers and mercenaries as a means of empowering their arms and armor. In a world where magic items are increasingly rare, the dwarves work with typical industry to meet an ever-expanding demand.
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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