The Soundless Service Guild

The rise in popularity of the The Wanderer Guild in the four known continents has been huge and the amount of jobs provided increases every passing year. The one known counterpart to the famed guild however is the Soundless Service Guild.   The Soundless Service Guild is quite similar to the Wanderers with the difference that the jobs are not reviewed by a guild worker, meaning that the customer simply submits his request sealed with the rank written and provides the gold. This is to avoid publicity, generally leading to most of the jobs being on the shadier side. Members who complete the job are not allowed to talk about their quest or what transpired, due to this the guild is far more dangerous as jobs can often be under ranked, putting lower tier members in unwinnable situations.   The Guild only features three ranks and it is incredibly hard to advance as along with job success rates, trustworthiness is also taken into account when promotions are handed out. Members are asked to relinquish their wanderer titles also to avoid the risk of accidently mentioning their jobs at the opposing guilds halls, however it is possible for high ranking members to have wanderer ranks.   Ranks follow as such:  
Guild, Professional
Controlled Territories


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