The T'Rem Dispute

The T'Rem Dispute was a noble issue occuring in the city about 50-ish years ago, between House Redpool and House Hermies. During this time the city was going through major political differences, the city just recently declared it shall report to the Warden of the East as opposed directly to the King. Many felt this was a direct insult from the crown, essentially insinuating that T'Rem was a less important major city compared to its counter parts Odum, Olynas, Tis'Envar and Auhren.   House Redpool was currently in control of T'Rem and insisted it was the correct decision and angering the king over a decision which ultimately doesn't truly effect the city. The people grew to dislike the Redpools due to this and began to listen to another voice, a speaker of noble birth who was also against the decision, Malcolm of House Hermies.   As time passed, the people of T'Rem slowly gravitated towards House Hermies, even discussing to rebel and install Malcolm Hermies as Lord of T'Rem. Ian Redpool truly began to take the threat of the opposing house seriously when House Dane married Shaera Dane to Lawrence Hermies, essentially showing that they believed the Hermies would eventually take the Lordship and were attempting to create a new ally.   Ian Redpool invited Malcolm Hermies along with his whole family to his keep and break bread. All members of House Hermies attended the diplomatic feast, except Valegor and Shaenyra. Ian and Malcolm discussed the situation intensely over the next two hours, however the Lord of T'Rem had no true intentions of a fair agreement which angered the House Hermies leader. Redpool soldiers blocked all the exits and Ian demanded that Malcolm bend the knee and end his political campagin, the order was refused and a sword answered back, the rest of House Hermies was restrained. Ian realised he had made a mistake as the people would be angered and rally to Malcolm's heir Lawrence Hermies, Ian decided the best outcome would be to destroy the house completely. He ordered the rest of the Hermies executed and troops were sent to dispatch the two children not present at the feast.   After House Hermies was executed the people rebelled but were quickly brought back to yield, with no leader they stood no chance. House Dane was extremely angry to hear that Shaera Dane was also killed. House Redpool agreed to make payments to House Dane in order to avoid hostility between the houses.
Conflict Type
Political Debate
Start Date
Ending Date


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