The Great Two Empires Myth in The Kingdom Era | World Anvil

The Great Two Empires


The myth of the Great Two Empires is one of the oldest and outlandish. Advisors throughout history slowly pieced together ancient scrolls and other forms of information, they then formulated the theory that at the start of time there were two great empires in The Reelonain Constellation. They were said to be so advanced that some of their technology rivals that of current times, their palaces made out of the finest gemstone.

Historical Basis

Hints of the two empires are mentioned here and there in other history books throughout the ages, this leads to further confidence of their existance. On the rare occasion that travellers return from The Reelonain Constellation, they speak of great castles made of the finest material and singular cities bigger than all the kingdoms in Isaiath.


The myth is ever present within the advisor ranks, however not many commoners conversate about the two empires.

Variations & Mutation

A variety of history books all have their own key information about what the era of the two empires could've been like. Some land marks are mentioned in multiple sources such as the Cross Forts, two enormous structures, separating the east from the west of The Reelonain Constellation, the true intention of the forts is unknown. Another commonly mentioned landmark is the City of the Birds, it is said to be a place housing bird like creatures who are extremely hostile towards anything that enters their city. The Reelonain waters are known to be dangerous for any sailor, the materials mentioning the icy Kraken Coast support this. Beyond the Kraken Coast however is a place only briefly mentioned and known as Ice Dragon City, this mysterious city is believed to be one of the two great empires. In the oldest known history book a small paragraph on the very last page heavily support the existence of the city. However if one wishes to reach Kraken Coast and then Ice Dragon City, they must cross the Deadlands just outside of the Cross Forts, these lands are said to have been littered with failed creations of Oppidum Exspiravit Shadow Binders.

Cross Fort

Ice Dragon City

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