Tis'Envar 6th Celebration Day

The Event (6202 AE)

Every 5 years Tis'Envar holds a celebration for all the royal families of the Isles. The event includes a jousting tournament, a large ball and feast. During the jousting tournament Vickon Carson, Rendar Adve, Desir Redpool II and Ullus Front made the top 4 riders. Vickon dehorsed Rendar and Ullus dehorsed Desir, Vickon then became the victor after dehorsing Ullus. After the tournament conclueded the feast commenced, Vickon sat next to Sarah Dane, who he later married in 6204 AE. Dorian Marnei could be seen seated next to Tellimia Farensallen and Martha Titus with Donte Redpool, who eventually got married. Sadly during the feast Lord Jeor Hildergrass choked on his food and passed away leaving many noble guests upset, however the celebration soon continued and his funeral took place that night for all to attend.
During the ball various lords and ladies were seen dancing together and attempting to solidify marriages between their houses. During the lead up to the event, it was well known that Desir Redpool II had eyes for Meelina Adve and would attempt to push to join their houses Redpool and Adve, something that Lord Royce Adve had shot down multiple times. However there on the dance floor Desir announced his intentions and the crowd erupted with applauds, Royce seemed angry but never denied the request. During this time Royce's brother Arthur Adve could be seen dancing with lover Asshara Dane, many presumed the families would announce the two's marriage that night. The marriage announcement never happened and months later Arthur was married to his current wife Heidi Adve.


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