Aylaran Living Part 1: Finance

How Does Money Work in Allera and Phalecia?

Aylarans don't pay for goods/services, in fact the concept of money is pretty unheard of in the general population. Aylarans aren't paid for their work, at least directly. Resources that are required for any resident to live comfortably (i.e. food, drink, cleaning, shelter etc) are free for any being staying in Allera and Phalecia. This applies to permanent and temporary residents, as well as tourists.
  Luxury items are a different story; they are separated into different "tiers" and depending on a being's input to Aylaran society. The planet is rich in resources, and it is believed that those that contribute towards upholding this status must be rewarded appropriately for their services. Any being living in Allera or Phalecia will be able to acquire tiered resources depending on the following:
  • Working particular jobs
  • Retaining those jobs for certain periods of time
  • Completing or pariticpating feats or adventures in some of the more dangerous regions of Allera or Phalecia
  • It is also important to note that inheritance doesn't exist in Allera or Phalecia - you work for what you want, and your kids must work to your position to basically "retain" that wealth.

    How Does Finance Work Between Allera & Phalecia and Other Planets

    There is actually an Aylaran currency, called ro-hi (rÒ„hi), but it's only used when Aylarans are trading or visiting other planets where the concept of valuing goods or services with money is required.
      The overseer of Finance usually has a dedicated sector that manages the currency. They also process and release any trade payment requests to pay traders and send money to residents prior to travelling elsewhere (intergalactically). The overseer of finance also works with other overssers to manage the value of labour for all jobs done outside of the Kingdom
      Part 2: Aylaran Living Part 2: Jobs

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