Aylaran Living Part 2: Jobs

What is considered a 'favourable' job to the average Aylaran?

The Are/Phare
The military is easily one of the most favourable job to Aylarans, to a point that there is always at least 25-30x more applicants than there are position spaces. Once initial training is complete, a soldier has the freedom to go just about whereever they please; they can either work through the military ranks directly, or can branch out and work in public services as part of the custodians, or travel outside of the Kingdom to work on obtaining resources or establish policital allies. The higher in rank you are, the more power and wealth you have
Working with Royalty
This covers many different roles, but they all cover the same goal; serving directly under the rulers of Allera and Phalecia. This covers but aren't limited to Makzukan and Gallaztur
Allerans and Phalecians are in love with their food, so naturally, those that are prepared to hone their skills into making the most delectable cuisines possible are widely respected and rewarded for their dedication. Known as guremnurgdga (gŪɹemnĒgja) or gurgdga for short, they spend several years training in a dedicated school, before establishing their own restaurants in cities, or working as personal chefs for soldiers

What is considered a 'unfavourable' job to the average Aylaran?

Sewage Personnel
You'd think with a planet that operates almost exclusively on bodily fluids would make the job of working with it a bit better, but no it doesn't though its reasons are completely different. It's an extremely basic job with no particular skills required for it.

Can an Aylaran just coast through life and not do anything?

I mean, they could, but:   1) They would probably be "paying" for something unintentionally. Example - they go to a restaurant and poop there, that can allow the restaurant to power the building - and just like that, they have provided fuel to the restaurant.   2) They risk being cut off as a worst case scenario. Then they would have no choice but to be self sufficient - those who fulfill this criteria are known as Kalaubi and are generally not looked upon very fondly due to their intentional isolation   Part 1: Aylaran Living Part 1: Finance