
Nurses, locally known as Mizochyhy (mizochyhy), are a battle class used in the Aylaran military. They used to be called medics, or Gulepta (gulepta) but this is currently being phased out due to some of their responsibilities being swapped with Alchemists.  


  Nurses/Medics are not primarily offensive in battles. instead, they take up a supprt role by ensuring all soliders are ready to engage in battle beforehand and taking care of wounded soldiers during and after combat.   Most of their healing methods rely on particular foods and medicine. Depending on the state of the injured and the remedy required, the medic may consume particular concoctions to be able to administer the drug (i.e. ingesting breast milk orinhaling gas containing the drug) Nurses are not primarily offensive. Instead, they focus on aiding wounded or fallen soldiers. They are fairly fast and can float in the air using their almost endless amount of gas. Their gas clouds can have a variety of properties, such as healing, although the less trained nurses tend to knock their patients out before healing them. The stench of their farts can also relieve constipation (which is very useful for tanks) and they medication can provide soldiers with extra ammunition.

Population Division

Out of the entire population of Allera, about 18% are assigned into the Nurse class. This is in comparison to Phalecia, which only has about 14% of their population assigned as a tank. These figures include military personnel and civilians. Of those that are active in the Are, this proportion stays the same for both the Are and the Phare, at 20% and 15% respectfully.

Typical Features

  • Medics must be agile and able to make decisions quickly based on the information given, explicit or otherwise
  • Generally, they don’t have a particular body type, but they must be able to travel to locations quickly and utilise the correct medications to administer relief from a range of known and unknown conditions (through symptom alleviation)
  • They do not need to be expert fighters, but they need to able to stand their ground to protect themselves and others around them
  • Nurses tend to fart A LOT. Their impressive noise and quantity can be a sign for all nearby soldiers and a warning to nearby enemies. Higher skilled nurses can also control the sound of their farts in case they need to enter an area in secret
  • Nurses do not have particularly large dumps (still ridiculously huge by human standards). They prefer foods that produce as much as gas as possible, so they are more prone to diarrhea.