Aylaran Military

The Aylaran military, or the Galnokh (Galnokh) encompasses all units in the Kingdom of Allera and Phalecia. The military in both kingdoms is vast on its own, though the size of the Are is about 4x times larger than the Phare. The military is, by law, separate in Allera than in Phalecia, which serve under their corresponding sovereign. However, on the surface the training regimes have no major differences, and in fact they spar together frequently, and have and will go to war as one unit. In general though, people just refer to the Alleran and Phalecian militaries as separate entities - the most used terms are the Are (Alleran military. Pronounced "ah-reh") and the Phare (Phalecian military. Pronounced "fah-reh").   The literal translation for Galnokh into English is 'Body Army'. Some think this meant to signify the army being the 'body' of the nation while the leader is the head. Others consider its meaning stems from the fact that those in the military use their own body as a weapon.   The military in Allera and Phalecia work in departments: - Aoukmaouv (aʊ̯kmaʊ̯v) refers to the main ground and air force of the Are/Phare - Galu (galʊ) refers to the police force whose juristiction is only within the Kingdom of Allera and Phalecia - Ngabza (ŋabza) refers to a team that specialise in underwater missions. - Bassukfo (beɪ̯ssʌkfo) or the Nova, refer to a small, specialised group who are led by the Overseer of Arms
When the terms 'Are', 'Phare', or 'Aylaran military' are used, it usually refers to either the Galu or the Aoukmaouv, collectively know as the 'Guardians'


Every Alleran and Phalecian must learn how to fight to some degree by law, and as such, they are required to do semi-regular training sessions throughout their lives - this is referred to as Vohnyam (voːŋʌm) . Training begins at a very early age, where Aylarans train 2 days a week every fortnight up until around 20. This is when they receive basic self defense and the equivalent of first aid. Every Aylaran is put into a class very early, usually within the first few months of training so their training is tailored to their strengths. After this period of training, mandatory training decreases to a 10 day refresher every 6 months.   Applying for the Are/Phare is separate from this, but with the Vohnyam in place, the groundwork is already built for Aylarans who do choose to become soldiers. Soldiers are easy to spot due to their unique gemstones that are either built into their uniforms, or worn as jewellery. It is a symbol of their loyalty to their role and the Sovereign.  


The potential classes for an Aylaran are:
  • Nurse (mizochyhy) - Provides supprt and medical attention
  • Tank (kebsat) - Hard and heavy hitters for decimation of formation and terrain
  • Cannon (suagol) - Long ranged attackers and light defense
  • Brawler (kohnbur) - very close ranged combatters
  • Alchemist (haourge) - Research-based class for the academically gifted
  • Silencer (ourkhom) - No Aylaran is chosen as Silencer initially
Almost every Aylaran in the Are or Phare will stay in the same class they were assigned to. It is generally frowned upon to change classes, with the exception of if this is due to a recommendation.  

Applying for the Military

Becoming part of the Are/Phare brings with it a range of benefits and luxuries which only increase the longer a person has served there and moved up the ranks. Because of this, the Are/Phare receive a large volume of applicants with every opening period. Those who apply must go through 2 training phases before being recognised fully as an Are/Phare soldier, lasting for a total of up to 4 years between them.   The first training phase lasts for about 5-9 Aylaran months. This pre-training serves as an initial testing phase to weed out the applicants who definitely will not cut it as a soldier by given all applicants small taster of a typical training regime. On top of this, and Aylaran's mandatory training is still required in this period. In order to pass, a practical test must be completed and signed off by the lead training officer. If an applicant fails this exam, they must re-apply again in another opening period.   This first training phase can actually be skipped if Aylaran can complete one of the following conditions:
  • Is the child to one or more parents that gave achieved a rank of second sphere or higher and are either in active duty or retired
  • Receives at least three recommendations from active Are/Phare members of rank third sphere or above
  • Receives at least one recommendation from an active Are/Phare member of rank first sphere or above
  • Won at least one of the F.A.E tournaments in the last 2 years
  • The second training phase lasts a bit longer - between 16 and 35 Aylaran months. It's pretty similar to the pre-training where mandatory training is still required in this period, however the training is much more representative of what is to come post-training phase. Trainees also receive their first Are/Phare jewel which is clear in colour, which they must wear at all times. Similar to before, the training comes to an end once a soldier succeeds in a final test, except failure to complete the test once will only penalise the applicant with additional training, followed by another practical exam. Failure for the second time will then mean they must turn in their gemstone and re-apply again in another opening period. This second training phase is not skippable with very rare exceptions.   After this, an Aylaran is declared a full fledged soldier and is assigned a rank of sixth sphere. From here, they can start working their way up, building their rank, along with their experience and knowledge.  


    (The ranking hierarchy will be shown in diagram form. This is still a WIP)
    Military Order