Penelope Stersson

Penelope Stersson (a.k.a. Penny)

Penelope "Penny" worked as a swimming instructor before moving to the Kingdom of Allera and Phalecia with her immediate family after she and her brother go through Laekul .  


Penny wears her emotions on her sleeve, for better or worse. She's pretty animated when she talks to people, and is a bit of a habitual swearer when upset or angry, though she tones it down around old people (especially relatives) and children. What comes out of her mouth isn't always worded gracefully, but she would rather say it and talk about it than to let things fester into something worse, or sweep it under the rug. it's something that's stayed consistent with her growing up.   Penny has a good amount of self confidence, and comes across to others as assertive and reliable, especially in situations of stress. Her confidence can also backfire though, as it can do when followin the mantra of "asking for forgiveness over permission".   Despite her affinity for social events and interactions, she actually has a surprisingly small comfort zone. She doesn't show her uncertainty often, but she has a tendency to explode when she eventually does as it only comes up to the surface when her options are exhausted and she feels overwhelmed  


University Life

She went on to study Sports Science at university, though she wasn't really sure if it was what she wanted in the first place. Despite this, she work reasonably hard throughout most of her 2nd and 3rd year (where it mattered in the end) and earned a 2:1.   Now out of university, she came across a problem; she had zero idea what she wanted to do. She couldn't see herself pursuing academia, and although there were aspects of sports science she enjoyed, they were very popular and therefore it was be very hard for her pursue as career. This uncertainty came with a lot of frustration, so she decides to work as a swimming instructor at her local gym for a bit while she works out what she wants to do. By the time she leaves for Allera, she had been working as a swimming instructor for about 2 years.  
  • She thinks Penelope is way too old fashioned so she does prefer it when people call her Penny
  • Penny has a large birthmark on her back which she likes to describe it looking like got attacked by a bear from behind. She thinks it looks cool.
  • Relationships

    Penelope Stersson
    6ft 3 (190cm)
    5th March (Earth)
    Tamud 30 (Aylaran)
    Human (Overriden)
    Show spoiler
    Class: Brawler
    Date of Birth
    5th March
    Aligned Organization