Tank (/kɜːbsat/)

Tanks, locally known as Kebsat (kebsat), are a battle class used in the Aylaran military.  


Aylaran tanks provide exceptional offensive and defensive abilities. Their farts are strong enough to cause a large amount destruction in short to medium range. This can be knocking over heavy objects, blasting through walls or shields, or destroy enemy formations by literally blowing them away. Their turds can be just as devastating when used to attack people or places, or can be used to create impenetrable walls to protect their own squads. Unlike other classes, large bellies are encouraged, as their massive stomachs allow them to store equally huge amounts of ammunition.   This power comes with a double edged sword, as they are very slow in combat, mostly due to the amount of preparation they require and the enormous amounts of food they need to eat. Their bloated bellies and the weight of their loads mean they cannot perform a lot of sequential aerial movements.  

Population Division

Out of the entire population of Allera, about 17%, or about 470 million, are assigned into the Tank class, though this proportion has grown in recent years. This is in comparison to Phalecia, which only has about 10% (~110 million) of their population assigned as a tank. These figures include military personnel and civilians. Of those that are active in the Are, this proportion increases to about 23%. The Phare remain fairly consistent at 11% of their units being assigned as tanks.  

Typical Features

  • Build preference is for a tank to be very tall and to be a ble to carry a lot of waste. For this reason you get tanks that are very muscular or stacked
  • Giant stomachs after eating. These reduce once they have shit, though a significant amount has to be expelled to make a difference
  • Their shit is not particularly strong in smell, but is VERY heavy and hard, due to the waste being compressed in their body to provide more room. It is very common for tanks to suffer from constipation
  • Farts are extremely loudy and bassy. Some very strong but very inexperienced tank soldiers are known to have reduced various buildings to rubble after an accidental fart