Episode 13 - Servants of the Butcher

General Summary

15th of Midyear, 1442

In the feasting halls of the Hillhomes of Eskir, dozens of Eskir men and women have gathered to celebrate their recent victories against Loyal Clan Echen and House Antyre. Ulfvyr Tahn Eskir and Jhorhald Eskir share a place at the head of the table, while Gwydion Ildrafn and Semmian DeRein mix and mingle with the other Antari highlanders. During the feasting, many warriors come forth to boast of their prowess and pledge to serve in Jhorhald's shieldwall. Among them is Felwyn, a bold shepherd who proudly declares himself for Jhorhald, if anyone will give him a sword and a shield. Jhorhald bestows this favour upon him, and the hall erupts once more into cheers.  

18th of Sunfall, 1442

Felwyn's cold body is lain aside the others that have perished in a recent skirmish with Clan Echen. Jhorhald and Ulfvyr's rebellion has suffered several setbacks in short succession now that Clan Echen has met them in the field. Forced to seek out new allies, they have secured additional gold and weapons from House Ildrafn, which will be smuggled into the Highlands from Rhythavn. Once Jhorhald and the remnants of his warband rendezvous with the caravan, they are to head south into the Warbelwise forest, where they aim to recruit Untamed Clan Kodroth to their cause. Kodroth is notoriously reclusive, eschewing any participation in clan politics and remaining isolated and withdrawn as the decades have gone by, but Jhorhald is determined to sway them to his side.  

19th of Sunfall, 1442

A crumbled stone ruin sits atop a hill overlooking a road running between the Barony of Marchel and the Barony of Rhythavn. Within the ruin are encamped The Undying , a ragtag band of lordless Antari mercenaries lead by Revna Tahn Eskir, who leads supported by the counsel of the druid Ivka Tahn Eskir. They are joined by Jhorhald as they await the arrival of the caravan of clandestine supplies from House Ildrafn. For Revna and Ivka, this is the first time they have seen Jhorhald since he seized power after the supposed death of Ulfvyr and slew many of his kin in the Circle. While the meeting remains amicable for now, the peace will soon be shattered by the arrival of two outside parties. One is the caravan of smuggled gold and weapons originating from Rhythavn Castle. The other is a patrol of House Antyre soldiers, ranging out from the Barony of Marchel, and they're signalling for the caravan to stop.   At the head of the caravan sits Diavolo mer Devici, a commoner from the Barony of Ninevalon who was saddled with the unenviable task of ferrying these goods directly into the Highlands... goods that could potentially get him and his travelling companions killed. When confronted by the Antyre patrolmen about his cargo and destination, Diavolo attempts to fast-talk the guards and falls pitiably short of believability. As the Antyre patrol beat Diavolo and prepare to search and seize the wagons, the Undying and Jhorhald slip down from the hilltop ruins through the underbrush, slide into position and spring a deadly ambush upon the Antyre patrol. The fighting is fierce and bloody, and despite their best efforts a single Antyre horseman manages to slip free of the melee and rides west as fast as he can, attempting to flee to the safety of Castle Marchel. While the Undying clean up the last few survivors, Diavolo seizes a horse and gives chase, attempting to run down the fleeing patrolman... but his skill with horses is lacking and the poor nag catches a hoof on a patch of uneven highland earth, sending the two of them spilling into the ditch off the side of the road. House Antyre will learn of this bloody ambush, and will soon return with even more men. To evade pursuit, the group opts to take the wagons and their cargo deep into the Warblewise forest, headed for the domain of Clan Kodroth.   Late that night, the weary travellers finally make camp within the depths of the Warblewise. Jhorhald does his best to reassure his remaining warband, who saw several of their members felled by the Antyre patrol and are growing more concerned about their situation. While morale remains strong for now, cracks are beginning to form, and if Jhorhald cannot deliver a resounding victory soon, he may find himself facing more challengers for his station than ever before. Meanwhile, Diavolo keeps to himself, thinking of his family back in Ninevalon as he tends to his bruises from his horseriding mishap. All around them, the forest teems with life, even in the dead of night.  

20th of Sunfall, 1442

The journey continues deeper into the Warblewise, a trackless expanse of verdant green. The territory of Clan Kodroth, however, is quickly noted by the discovery of a large carved wooden statue of a macabre figure. The statue is in the image of a warrior, terrible axe in hand, but the man's head has been struck from his shoulders. Instead, he wears a belt of severed heads around his midsection, each face carved in exquisite detail. This is a depiction of The Butcher of Blainhure, an infamous Antari chieftain whose true name was struck from the highlander sagas ages ago for his terrible crimes of cannibalism against his fellow man. Not even the location of his original steadings or halls remain on any Antari map, but despite his taboo reputation, some Antari still venerate him as a warrior of unparalleled equal.   The caravan has barely left the statue behind them before they are confronted by Kodroth scouts; men and women of the forest, each of them capable hunters. Explaining who they are and what they intend, Revna and Jhorhald are able to talk their way into a meeting with Valeir, the chieftain of Clan Kodroth. They are escorted through the forest into a village ringed by a wooden palisade and decorated with the skulls of the great and terrible beasts that dwell within the darkest hearts of the Warblewise. Upon meeting with Valeir, the chieftain invites Ivka, Jhorhald and Revna to join her within her great hall. There, platters of unknown meats await them at the table, and Valeir invites them to partake with her as they discuss the particulars of Clan Eskir's offer. Fearing that they may be about to consume human flesh, Jhorhald hesitates, but Ivka is the first among them to seat themselves at the table and take a bite of the offered dish. It is revealed that the flesh is liver from one of the great beasts that inhabits the Warblewise, and Revna and Jhorhald join Ivka and Valeir at the table shortly therafter. Valeir explains that dining upon the flesh of the powerful is how Clan Kodroth absorbs their strength. The negotiations are arduous, but by the end of the meal Jhorhald has managed to sway Valeir to contribute warriors to his cause in exchange for territorial concessions later on. The gold and weapons are distributed amongst the Clan, and Valeir shares reports from her scouts to the west; House Antyre is on the move, and troops are massing under the banners of Khinar Antyre in the Barony of Farran. An attack upon McCloughhaven's Reach seems imminent... but if the warriors of Eskir and Kodroth leave now, they may be able to be there aside the vassals of House Ildrafn at their hour of need.   *END OF EPISODE*

Missions/Quests Completed

Jhorhald was able to reinforce his warbands numbers by persuading Clan Kodroth to lend aid to his cause.
The Burning Isle
Ivka Tahn Eskir
Diavolo mer Devici
Revna Tahn Eskir
Jhorhald Eskir
Report Date
03 Mar 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location