Lameral (Lah-mare-Al)

Sea-Queen, Tentacled One, Shipbreaker, the Dreaming Deep. Lameral is the jealous Old God of the Seas, perpetually envious of the treasures borne across her surface by the ships of mortal men. She sleeps at the bottom of the ocean, and the nature of her dreams causes the tides to turn, the seas to swell and storms to rage above her. When she is woken from her slumber, the seas heave and wash away whole fishing villages, sunder ships and drown sailors.    In the ancient past, adherents of Lameral would make offerings to placate her roiling temperament. A tenth of all pearls collected by divers would be cast back into the seas as an offering to appease her. If the schools of fish became less plentiful and the nets came up empty time and time again, greater offerings would be made, from treasured keepsakes to bread and wine to, in the direst of cases, human life.

Divine Domains

Seafaring, sea-dwelling creatures, sailors, shipwrecks, drowning