
The Wolf at the Door, Devourer of Night, Lord of the Hunt. The cult of Nargran venerates hunting predators, the wildness of the untamed lands and the darkness of night. One of the eldest of the Old Gods, monoliths dedicated to Nargran dot the highland territories, where offerings of fresh kills are lain on ancient altars.  The Great Wolf culls the weak from the world, feasts upon their flesh and returns the scraps to his followers, that they might devour them and grow stronger still.   In the bygone eras, adherents of Nargran would make offerings to the Devourer of Night to protect their herds from predators, to bless their hunting parties, and to protect the weakest members of their families from the dangers in the world around them. If a village was set upon by dire creatures or the hunting parties could not find game, greater sacrifices would have to be made to ensure Nargran would pass them over in his nightly prowl.

Divine Domains

Hunters, Predators, Night, Cunning
Divine Classification
Old God