Pyx (Picks)

The Reveller, the Great Trickster, the Jester at the End of All Things. Pyx is the Outsider of festivals, summer faires, debauchery and unbridled joy. They are also the patron of lies, conmen and gamblers. Pyx seeks to sow larceny and devil-may-care wantonness upon the world, and all who listen to the notes on his lyre find their morals loosened and their impulses heightened. The daemon often appears as an attractive man or woman sampling the local delights in a tavern, brothel or festival, playing cards or merely sitting off to the corner with a glass of fine wine, watching others make the decisions they will later come to regret.

Divine Domains

Carousing, Revelry, Desire, Deception and Trickery all fall within Pyx's domain.
Divine Classification

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