Roan Cordelaine

Roan Cordelaine

Roan Cordelaine, of The Sunderhelm Cordelaines, is the thirteenth among his siblings. he is titled, and no one hopes that never becomes relevant more than Roan himself.   He makes certain to find himself at all of the best parties, hanging on to the words and gossip of all of the most fashionable, and positioning himself in the retinues of all of the most influential. He aims, always, to find himself at the heart of all of the greatest parties.   Roan is tall and thin, always wearing the latest fashions, but he's never the one to determine the fashion. His lips are too red, his face is too pale, and his neck a different shade from his face. He often wears wigs, and he prefers wearing green velvet with lots of ruffles, but he never puts anything on his clothes to distinguish himself or personalize his fashion in any way. That said, it is always new, trendy, and of high quality.   During The Tambar Rebellion, Roan found himself trapped in Risevar. Too slow (or consistently intoxicated) to fully process the danger, by the time he figured out the trouble, it was too late.   He has been reticent to divulge any specifics of his circumstances in Risevar, but the tale he has told is that he never left, and had to wait out the rebellion. Every version of the tale he's told has been one that paints him in an unflattering light - "I hid in a basement, oblivious to the danger around me! Rebellion, what rebellion? Oh, that minor inconvenience? I'd wondered why so many shops had closed!" - Whatever happened - whatever he saw, for a man so hung up on fashion and popularity, it is easier for him to assassinate his own character than relive the memories.   The stories he carried from Risevar may have gone a long way towards elevating his own social standing, but, contrary to all expectation, he has been surprisingly reticent in recounting the tale, content to fade into the background.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Roan stands at a thin 5'10, making him look somewhat taller from a distance. He has the body of someone who has fastidiously cared for their weight through means other than exercise, and has dutifully avoided hard work throughout his life.

Facial Features

Roan's face is something of a mystery. His cheeks appear to be almost sunken beneath pronounced cheekbones, with large, sleepy green eyes that always seem to be clouded with the glaze of some form of intoxicant.   He commands a near-masterful control of makeups and powders, and has an almost intuitive sense of which features to best accentuate to increase his appeal or match the latest fashions. What sets him apart from some of the other fops and dandies around the court is that he's often too far gone to care, and the makeup he applies is often sloppy, rushed, or two days old. Rather than going smooth-faced as most do in the courts, Roan often has a few days' worth of stubble - It's not necessarily a fashion statement.

Physical quirks

Without all of the powders, wigs, and makeup, Roan looks almost unrecognizable. Going from an almost porcelain white hue with curly blond wigs, Roan's natural skin tone tends to lean towards olive hues - If The Cordelaines saw more sun, they would likely be considered tanned or bronzed - and indeed, his brother Gantrick Cordelaine, Calistan Knight, stands as a strong indication of what Roan might look like had he chosen a different life.   Roan's hair is dark, and cut very short to accommodate his constantly changing wigs.

Special abilities

"Roan? Can't say that I remember him... Which one was he, again?"

Apparel & Accessories

Roan is almost always wearing whatever the latest fashion trends are - though he never sets the trends himself. Whenever possible, he opts to wear green velvet, or green jewelry, to match his eyes. However, if the majority around him are wearing a different color, he'll match. Roan is a necessary part of any noble entourage - he immediately fits in without overshadowing the person he's there to fawn over, and his voice blends perfectly into the endless sea of voices surrounding the very rich. Roan is gloriously inoffensive.

Mental characteristics


Oh, you beast, we really shouldn't... Who else should we invite?


Contacts & Relations

Miranda Cordelaine - Mother
Drayman Cordelaine-Beyle - Father (Deceased)

Gantrick Cordelaine - Brother, Calistan Knight, Pride of The Cordelaine family

Roan is a titled noble, and no one hopes that his title never becomes relevant more than Roan himself. He is of House Cordelaine, a prominent house in Sunderhelm, and though Cordelaine is Roan's House, his home is wherever the most fashionable party is.

View Character Profile
26 Years Old
Date of Birth
13th of Midyear 1416
Date of Death
4th of Harvest, 1442
1416 1442 26 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Bexley
Place of Death
Dark Brown - often covered by a platinum blonde wig
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair to mid - his lineage is olive-hued, but he avoids the sun and wears whitening powders