Shekhar Tahn Echen
The daughter of Emelyn Tahn Echen and one of her many consorts.
Selfish, Wild, Driven. Shekhar embodies the old ways of the Antari people, and aspires to one day lead a warband of her own. She is the loudest voice in the meadhall or at clan meetings and a pure force of nature when duelling in the Circle. A loyal following among the Antari clans has sprung up around Shekhar, partly out of respect and partly out of fear. She cares little for the squabbling nobles south of Lake March, and strongly believes that the Antari Highlanders shouldn't have to pay tithes and tributes to a king they barely know and a Church they don't even worship.
Personality Characteristics
Shekhar is driven by a deep inner need to be free to do whatever she wants without the scolding eyes of Banteavan nobles or the Church gazing down upon her. Anyone attempting to curtail her behaviour is met with immediate, sometimes violent reproach.
Current Status
Gathering followers
Current Location
Year of Birth
22 Years old
The Red Sisters
Aligned Organization