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Lord of Steel Turin Coldhand

Lord of Steel Turin Vostak (a.k.a. Father Frost, Protector of the Iron Gate)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Vostak family was once the right hand of the Blastak family, but they were shamed hundreds of years ago when the Lord of Vostak was slain by snow orcs and his wife plundered by the same orcs. Lady Ciris Vostak managed to rise and hold her house together in the aftermath, but her children came to be hybrids of the snow orcs, and their honor could never be the same because of it. Many looked down on the hybrid children, but they continued their legacy without any being able to damn them completely.   It has been a while since then, and the snow orc blood that once flowed through Vostak veins is now diluted. While the traits can still be seen in Turin's pale white skin and glowing green eyes, his body resembles a mostly human structure. Turin Vostak was born to Afgar Vostak as his second son. Turin and his older brother Korin had always respected and loved each other deeply, and Turin was satisfied to be beholden to his brother for the rest of his life. Both were taught together, and Korin dreamt of returning their family to its former glory, and Turin swore to back him in the pursuit.   Their glory would come in the year 318 when the pirates of the eastern isles began assaulting the kingdom's coast. Korin and Turin both served under the Blastak family as banner men. They fought in several battles against the tyrannical pirate lords, but instead of glory during the war, they were stricken with terrible blows of grief. First, the brothers lost their father when he came down with a plague.   The second blow came in 320 when the brothers went to fight against the dreaded captain Bluewind Vile at the Gate of Bastards. The brothers managed to corner the pirate, but Korin was slain in the fight and Turin lost his arm. Turin, in a bout of rage, stuffed a clump of snow into his arm socket and cleaved the pirate captain from neck through his opposite hip. Turin slayed a few more pirates before help came. The battle was a great victory, but for Turin the cost was not worth the rewards.   Turin's family was restored to their power, and he was heralded as a great hero. There was little he could want for now, and his arm was replaced by a magical, mechanical prosthetic. Even with all these great gifts, Turin was lost in a world without his beloved brother, so he forsook his family, lands, and titles, and joined the Steeled Men to earn more brothers. His mother has grown old and has no more sons; Turin is where his family ends.


Turin and his brother were trained by their father, a master swordsman, in the art of battle. Their father was determined that his boys would become some of the most learned and ferocious young warriors in the land. Their mother taught them the history of their family and the north.   When Turin received his metal arm he learned a little bit of magic from the Brightstar monks to control it.   When Turin joined the Steeled Men he tried his best to learn as much as he could about his snow orc ancestry. He also took to learning the forge, so he could provide good steel for himself and his brothers.
Current Location
Year of Birth
302 PC 79 Years old
Bright green, round
Salt and Pepper mop
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Turin Coldhand learned the common tongue and speaks dwarfish and orcish just as fluently. He learned orcish because of his heritage and dwarfish to speak with the Duergar in the mountains.
Ruled Locations

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