Ironsgate Keep Building / Landmark in The Known World | World Anvil

Ironsgate Keep

The Ironsgate Keep and the Ironsgate Walls are different parts of the same two colossal fortifications that span nearly 400 miles across the borders of southwestern Meyland and the eastern tip of the Tahosian Dynasty. Both walls encompass the northern and southern borders of the Morbog, which separates both nations. Across the structures, the two walls stand just over 300 feet tall and are crafted from solid earth and stone.   Their construction began 10 years after the end of the The War of the Undying, and through the use of both mundane and Magical means, taking the combined efforts of the Karthan Commonwealth's, Tahosian Dynasty's, and the Silver Kingdom's greatest architects, engineers, and masonry guilds. The strongest spells were woven by the most powerful mages of the Royal Mage's Guild, the Sapphire Assembly and the Shaman's Mantle.   The two separate walls became part of an extension of the Ironsgate Keep's influence, previously established as a bastion fortress on the forefront of battle during the war.   During the construction of the walls, the Ironsgate Accord was signed at the keep. Eventually, through this unprecedented combined effort, the Ironsgate walls were finished nearly 100 years later in the 1700s.   Since then, the Ironsgate walls have been fortified, defended, maintained, and held by the sworn brothers and sisters of the Gatekeepers, an independent standing army of divine knights, priests, and hardened clergy members of all stripes who have traveled long distances to defend Meyland, the Dynasty, the Commonwealth, and many other civilizations from the horrors of the Morbog and its cursed denizens.
Map of Tansia
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