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Ember Aeson

Ember Aeson

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall, slender, and powerful

Special abilities

First Aid Survival Fast Talk Seduction Detect Lies Shadowing Street Wise

Apparel & Accessories

Leather armor Pants Leather boots Satchel

Specialized Equipment


Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ember Aeson was born to Emora the Elf. She grew up living with her mother and her grandmother, Berleena. Berleena was an employee of the royals, and Emora sold goods she grew and made at the local market. Ember would often accompany her mother to the market and help her at her booth.   At the age of 112, a band of thieves came to the Ember's family home and demanded access into the royal home. Ember's grandmother, Berleena, was a well respected royal employee. When Berleena refused to help, the thieves murdered her and her daughter for good measure. Emora, though, knowing the family connection to the royals could put them in danger taught her daughter how to escape if the family was ever threatened. After returning to her home one last time, Ember has not returned since.   After leaving her home, Ember set out to live in the Known World. She survived on her beauty, cunning, her grandmother's lessons on how to blend in with crowds regardless of their status, and her mother's lessons on how to survive on the land and craft things using her own hands. As a result, Ember has developed her survival skills including survival, first aid, street wise, seduction, shadowing, detect lies, and fast talk.


Unafraid to seduce anyone


Whoever is willing to pay her.

Mental Trauma

The death of her beloved grandmother and mother had a huge impact on her life. It has strengthened her sense of duty and code of honor to those she works with, but has made her more impulsive and more likely to distrust those in authority.

Personality Characteristics


Fearlessness Common Sense Code of Honor Sense of Duty

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Seduction Detecting Lies Street Wise

Virtues & Personality perks

Charisma Fearlessness Common Sense

Vices & Personality flaws

Impulsiveness Code of Honors Sense of Duty

Ember Aeson, Daughter of Emora and Granddaughter of Berleena, is beautiful with a strong sense of duty and loyalty. Cross her and that may be the last thing you do.

Character Location
Current Location
The Known World
View Character Profile
Marchen Forest

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