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Mainly populated by dwarves. The dwarves of Duerheim, also called mountain dwarves, are taller and have more grey-ish looking skin tones.


In the early Mythic Era, the dwarves lived only underground, and nobody knew about them. When the dwarves first discovered the surface world in -4056 ME, they founded the city of and the country of Duerheim.  Thousands of years later, the hill dwarves decided to fight for their independence from their still underground dwelling kinsmen. They began the First War of the Dwarves, and beat Duerheim. The current King of Duerheim, Torbjorn Thunderaxe, was born shortly after the war. Many years later, once he became King, he lead Duerheim in the Second War of the Dwarves, which ended with a peace treaty in 646.
Founding Date
-4056 ME
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