Ismael Adebayo Grandmaster of the Crimson Order Character in The Land of Volara | World Anvil

Ismael Adebayo Grandmaster of the Crimson Order

Ismael Adebayo (a.k.a. The Black Viper)

Physical Description

Facial Features

Ismael has a long black goatee which is tied down by a a gold ring.

Special abilities

Able to to do many charm spells against other people.

Apparel & Accessories

He wore a black turban with a ruby. He also wears gold necklaces. Wears a black and gold silk robe accompanied by a silk cape.

Specialized Equipment

Manipulation, Alchemy, Dagger fighting, and business strategy

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He was physically abused by his alcoholic father blames his for the early death of his mother. Ismael grew up in the ghettos of Deadwood. One day his father came home drunk once again and started beating Ismael mercilessly. He finally snapped when his father fell asleep he concocted a plan. Ismael planted rat poison in his fathers food. When his father awoke he went to eat his food and smelled the poison in his food and got angry with his son and grabbed a knife. Ismael scared for his life grabbed the nearest empty glass bottle and broke it into a sharp weapon. When his father lunged towards him Ismael aimed for his fathers throat which briefly killed him. This action cause Ismael to become an orphan. He lived in the streets stealing and breaking into peoples homes to survive so he can sell it to the market later. One day he picked the wrong person to pickpocket. He tried to pickpocket the current grand master of the Crimson Order. The Master quickly got hold of him and took him into the base of the crimson in the upper levels of the city there the Grand Master grew pity for the kid and took him into the life of crime. Ismael grew up into a crime filled environment causing him to develop negative tendencies of lying etc... He then grew a passion for Alchemy mostly in the art of poison making. Years later he desired more power so he made a plan to make a poison to kill his master. This poison was special it was odor less and the way it kills its victims makes it look like they have died from a stroke. In turn when he was eating with his master he swiftly put poison in the food in turn killing him. He then later took control of the entire Crimson Order afterwards.

Personality Characteristics


To gain and maintain power and will do anything to keep it. To acquire vast amounts of wealth.

Likes & Dislikes

Like poisons, exotic foods, women, jewelry,and snakes Dislikes, Paladins, "Heroes",Sweets, disrespectful people,

Virtues & Personality perks

A very charismatic person, proficient in the art of deception

Vices & Personality flaws

Overly arrogant and egotisical
Neutral Evil
Year of Birth
28 TE 40 Years old
Current Residence
Crimson Keep, Deadwood
Dark Brown
Short and Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark Brown
Aligned Organization


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