The Crimson Order Organization in The Land of Volara | World Anvil

The Crimson Order

The Crimson Order is comprised of talented warriors and outlaws. They partake in many illegal activities which are looked down upon in most of the other kingdoms. They partake in the practices of human trafficking, slave trade, the distribution of illegal potions and narcotics, and sellers of rare and illegal magical items. They are known to loan shark in the cities of Deadwood and Beggars Hole. The Crimson Order has many ties with noble families who partake in underground illegal activities.The Crimson has many spies and assassins at hand in many of the kingdoms in Volara. They also host the brutal free for all games called For Knights which put squires against each other and the winner will receive the title of knight. This event is only known to a few very rich aristocrats and is funded by them. Overall the Crimson Order is considered to be the most powerful crime syndicate in Volara and its a force to be reckoned with.


  1. Grand Master
  2. Advisor
  3. Knight Commander
  4. Knight
  5. Squire

Public Agenda

To provide "protection" for the inhabitants of Deadwood. They deal in Black Market items such as illegal magical items, potions, addictive drugs, and slaves


Magical Items, Weapons, Potions, Troops, Slaves, Traders, Information, Narcotics


The Crimson Orders former name was The Crimson Lance when they served the once great kingdom of Afrana. They were considered the special forces of the Afranian army but, when Afrana fell and most of the Crimson Lances great leaders died on the battle of Death Hollow, they had a major power struggle of whose going to take over. In the end the power eventually corrupted its members due to the aftermath of the battle and the struggles it posed they turned into an illegal crime syndicate that we know today.
Founding Date
Illicit, Syndicate
Alternative Names
The Crimson Raiders
Neighboring Nations


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