King Holgier of Nord Character in The Land of Volara | World Anvil

King Holgier of Nord

King Holgier (a.k.a. The Beheader)

Holgier was a fierce warrior who led his men 20 years ago in the battle againts the orcs who terrorized the land of Nord. He was known to have repeatedly lead his men attack orcs and was ruthless against them. Holgeir would easily defeat the orc chiefs with ease and collect their heads to show other orc villages of his accomplishments to instill fear in them before battle. He fought along side a huntress by the name of Fjori who he would later marry when he receives the throne.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Holgier was strong and burly in Nature. He would slay his enemies with great strength and would often rip the heads of his enemies off.

Body Features

He was tall and was burly

Special abilities

Brute Strength

Apparel & Accessories

He wears a animal pelt cape and Nord armor. He wears a golden helmet with wings that protrude from both sides.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born and raised in Helgen a well decorated and experienced warrior feared by many outside of Nord he is well loved among his people.

Personality Characteristics


The happiness and protection of his people

Likes & Dislikes

Likes a strong drink, A good fight, Meat, and Pit Fights. Dislikes elves and orcs
Chaotic Good
Year of Birth
28 TE 40 Years old
Long Braided and Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Orc


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