The Kingdom of Nord Organization in The Land of Volara | World Anvil

The Kingdom of Nord

Located in the North West of Volara the kingdom of Nord breeds the strongest warriors in Volara. At a young age kids are thrown into the wild to fend for themselves to get back into the village. They are also trained at a young age which leads to strong willed and disciplined warriors. The men and women of Nord all want to have a warriors death to be able to gain access to Valhalla. The people of Nord have a strong dislike for elves and orcs because they have tried multiple times to invade their lands in the past. 20 years ago a 2 year war broke out between Nord and the neighboring orc villages in Sivia. This was caused by one of the orc chieftains leading a raid party into one of the villages in Nord. In the end the orcs lost to the Nords


All freemen is equal and the king is merely an advisor

Public Agenda

The protection of their people and to have good battles


Animal Skins and Fur


Nord was the first ever settlement in the continent of Volara they were bombarded by attacks from the dwarves, orcs and elves who lived in the area. Due to heavy losses they needed to leave the continent. When they returned to their homeland they told them of the atrocities that the elves, orcs, and dwarves committed. They then returned to Volara with a fleet of ships carrying 1000 warriors. They were able to push most of the races out of the north western side of Volara. The people who stayed after the battles were the first people of Nord.


A strong band of Nordic Warriors who train their whole life for battle. They Specializes in sword and shield battle or with a spear and shield. Some also fight with large heavy axes or dual axes and are known as berserkers. What makes them dangerous is that they strive for a warriors death and wants to be able to enter into Valhalla. The kingdom of Nord also holds the largest Naval fleet in Volara and are renowned for their expertise in sea battles.


They believe in the Gods of Tyr, Eir, Thor, and Odin
The Nordic Warriors of Nord

For Glory and Honor! For VALHALLA!

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Nordic Warriors
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Head of State
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Legislative Body
All freemen of Nord make the decisions
Notable Members


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