The Order of the Radiant Heart Organization in The Land of Volara | World Anvil

The Order of the Radiant Heart

The Order of the Radiant Heart is a knightly organization, comprised of benevolent paladins and clerics that operated throughout Volara. The brave champions of this order devoted themselves to combating forces of evil, correcting injustice and maintaining peace and order in the continent. While these devout men and women primarily venerated Torm, Tyr and Yana they held the faiths of many compassionate deities among their ranks


Prelate: A three-member council of senior knights whom had at least 10 years of service. Chancellor: Senior Knights whom advises the Prelates. Radiant Knight: Knights who've shown exceptional skills and dedication to the order. Neophyte: Junior knights who train under Radiant Knights.

Public Agenda

To protect the peace, relinquish evil, and deliver justice.


The Radiant Heart provided acted as a helping hand during crisis. They send out knights to sought after evil or send in their clerics to help the injured. They provide protection for people who need it and offer a blade for those who fight for justice.


The oldest and most influential knightly order in Volara.

Radiant Heart Knights

The Squire

The Squire is the lowest ranking Knight in the Radiant Hearts. They usually serve under a Radiant Knight for training.

Radiant Knight

        Majority of the Radiant Hearts knights stay in this rank and is the bulk of its forces, Radiant Knights receive squires through the Prelates.  

Radiant Justiciars

The Radiant Justiciars are the commanders of the Radiant Heart the only ones that are above their ranks is the Chancellors and Prelates. To become a justiciar they need atleast 15 years of experience and highly skilled in battle and battle tactics

Protectors of Justice and Order

Founding Date
400 CE
Military, Knightly Order
Alternative Names
Radiant Knights
Training Level
Veterancy Level


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