Yana the Goddess of Mercy and Medicine Character in The Land of Volara | World Anvil

Yana the Goddess of Mercy and Medicine


Yana is a goddess of the Volara and the best of physicians.She was skilled at all kinds of healing, particularly herb craft, and was even capable of resurrection. She is one of the good goddesses Volara. As a master physician, Yana is a patroness of health-care workers. She is called upon by Healers not only for physical healing, but also for mental, emotional and spiritual healing. Yana bestows healing upon all women who seek her out, and only teaches women her secret arts. She is a major goddess of Aklatora the realm of the Gods.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Tenets of Faith

No one is Her equal when it comes to healing. Her worshipers are all healers, either clerical or as herbal healers. Her clerics and witches must never pick up a weapon in anger or vengeance.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Yana sought to offer aid and relief and words of comfort to those in pain, who were oppressed, or otherwise in great need.
Divine Classification
Neutral Good
Glowing White
Long silky white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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