The Silver Path Organization in The Land of Volara | World Anvil

The Silver Path

A well known guild in the continent of Volara. They are known for being skilled monster hunters of the land and regarded as the best when handling dangerous creatures like demons, abominations, and large dangerous creatures. Members of the Silver Path start off as children, usually orphans who are rescued by members of the guilds in their missions. The guilds way of fighting is usually seen as dangerous, risky, and unorthodox. They are well respected among Volara and liked by the common people. The guild has very few rules, which is to never hurt the innocent, to not harm other guild members with intent, steal from other members and to obey the laws of the area you are working in but, may break it if necessary. They are often distinguished by their necklaces they wear that bare the Silver Paths Emblem. The Silver Path Hunters usually carry 2 weapons or more one of normal steel and the other often specialized silver blade for the monsters they battle. They often wear studded leather armor or something lighter for better mobility.


The Silver Path is a knightly order who takes in younglings inducted as part of the lifestyle. These are mostly orphans who have few choices and decide to try their luck with the Order. The Silver Path has 2 to 4 Head Hunters, veterans at the art, who act as supervisors to the overall training of all Silver Hunters-to-be, as well as Leaders should an emergency or something equally urgent happen in their territory. Beneath the Head Hunters you have the Master Hunters who are experienced professionals. They work as the primary teachers to all trainees. They are also the ones in charge of preparing the tests and trials needed to become Silver Path. Next you have Hunters. They are the ones that have finished their training and have gotten started on hunting. They are inexperienced, compared to their Masters, but still very capable. Lastly, have the Apprentices, children who try to become Silver Path Hunters. They must be of a certain age to be legible for the process of becoming one,. Their bodies will have to undergo harsh trials to become superior to the average person. Beforehand they go harsh training, which involves dietary changes and physical training. Young hunters are taught sword skills, monster lore and herbalism.

Public Agenda

Dedicated to the extermination of monsters and other dangerous threats, for a price.


The Silver Path has 5 total keeps the base of operation for the order is in a large island in the Argenti Gulf which is a large tower named the Silver Tower. Around it is a small village where most of the Silver Path apprentices and teachers live. The island is surround by a thick 40 foot stone walls, they also have ballistas to protect theme from ships and other intruders. The other 4 keeps are located in Atracian Karst, Southern Mountains of Yeven, and the Jerall Mountains of Nord. The Keeps themselves are very capable of defense, with walls of solid stone reaching 35 ft. in height, reinforced doors and multiple types of siege weaponry. You can also find several stables prepared with mounts.


A very old guild formed during the early years of the Chaos Era when Monsters and Demons were prevalent in Volara. The Silver Path was formed to combat these monsters and used specialized silver weapons to hunt them.

Where the hunters become the hunted.

Founding Date
347 CE
Guild, Adventuring
Alternative Names
Silver Hunters
Training Level
Veterancy Level
An example of what a normal Silver Path Hunter would look like


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