Tokessa Whiteclaw the Head Hunter of the Silver Path Character in The Land of Volara | World Anvil

Tokessa Whiteclaw the Head Hunter of the Silver Path

Tokessa Agriveth (a.k.a. Tokessa Whiteclaw)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tokkessa was known to be very agile and quick. She had a well toned and slim body.

Special abilities

Tokessa had the ability to sense incoming danger

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Tokessa was born in Helgen Capital of Nord, She then moved to another village which her Father ran who was a Thane for their Jarl. Tokessa's father was known to be one of the fiercest warriors in Nord so naturally Tokessa was bred to be warrior by heart. She would go on hunting trips with her father to hunt food for the village. One night when they were out on of their trips a blood thirsty creature known as a werewolf attacked her father from the back. Her father put up a good fight and wounded the creature enough for it to flee. Tokessa's father suffered fatal wounds from the fight and later died that night. Tokessa became hellbent on revenge after her fathers passing that she made it her goal to hunt down the werewolf that murdered her father. As she roamed the kingdom of Nord she finally was able to track down its den but, to her luck it was a whole den of werewolves. Without hesitation she rushed into the cave sword in hand slaying about 4 of them before being overpowered. Luckily an Order of monster hunters came to her aid help her kill the remaining monsters. After the battle was won her rescuers introduced themselves as the Silver Path a group made up of monster hunters who slay creatures who wreak havoc on the populous. They were impressed by how many she took on herself and offered to vouch for her to the Head Hunter the leader of the Silver Path if she wanted to join. She took a while to accept but she didn't want anyone else to experience what she went through with her father so she accepts their offer. Tokessa showed true promise and great potential and it caught the Head Hunters eye. She was then in about 4 years in being in the Silver Path she was given the title of Head Hunter at the age of 23 when the previous one stepped down. The other members recognized her skill and talent and did not argue this decision. Now Tokessa is the most powerful and feared member of the Silver path. It was said that she took on 3 fully matured Nabassu's and won.


Leader of the Silver Path

Accomplishments & Achievements

Took down 4 werewolves on her own at the age of 18. Was able to defeat 3 fully matured Nabassu's

Personality Characteristics


She strives to slay monsters who pose a threat to the good people of Volara

Likes & Dislikes

She loves a good fight and a cold drink, She doesn't like stock up and ignorant people

Virtues & Personality perks

She cares for her teammates enough to die for them

Vices & Personality flaws

Likes to take on monsters on her own


Contacts & Relations

Helgen leaders, The Queen of Yadimor, and The king of Barcana

Social Aptitude

An extroverted and well liked among peers and gives off a confident aura


She is very straight forward and blunt

Hobbies & Pets

Loves traveling, Sparring, Parties
Chaotic good
Year of Birth
41 TE 27 Years old
Current Residence
Silver Path Tower
White and Braided
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
Aligned Organization


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