The Warrior Queen of Atracia Character in The Land of Volara | World Anvil

The Warrior Queen of Atracia

Queen Kyra Callis (a.k.a. The Warrior Queen)

Known to be a great battle strategist and is well respected among her soldiers. She is known for her battle against the demons in Phylax

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Kyra is strong and healthy. She is very toned and agile.

Identifying Characteristics

She has a scar that goes down her left eye

Apparel & Accessories

She wears Atracian armor with a gold color. She wears the red cape of her late father.

Specialized Equipment

Shield and Spear combat, Hand to Hand combat, Horse riding

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in the Capital of Atracia, Kyra is the oldest among two other sisters. Her mother was not able to bare any sons to become the next king. Kyra father did not care and took Kyra to be his next heir. Kyra grew up training and sparring with her dad. Kyra became proficient with the spear and shield and was her proffered weapon in battle. Growing up Kyra was the favorite from the three daughters. One night a scout from Phylax comes to Caelum to alert the king that a large horde of demons is coming straight for Atracia. The king rounded up his men and sent out a request for help in the kingdom of Barrcana and marched to their southern border. Kyra insisted she comes with her father her gather was against it first but, eventually gives in. When the king and his men of 500 Atracian warriors positioned themselves just outside the borders of Phylax. In the pitch dark the first wave of demons came in and the battle begun. Kyra was able to keep up during the fight. Then four hours into the battle they were slowly being overrun by the hoards. The king yells for for retreat but was then crushed by a large ghour demon picks up the king and rips him apart. Kyra and the men notices this. The men seeing there king killed retreats into Phylax. Kyra filled with anger from the sight of seeing her father ripped apart and rush the large demon. She was thrown around and hurt badly in the eye. She was able to slay the demon.The warriors seeing this got a boost of confidence and rushed back in to aid their new leader. The battle lasted another 3 hours before the knights of Barcana came to aid them and gave them enough power to defeat most of the demons. From the 500 warriors only 126 survived before the reinforcements came. Kyra then returns to Caelum with her fathers remains and the other 372 fallen warriors. Showing her feats in battle she was crowned as the new ruler of Atracia after her fathers burial ceremony and received the nickname Warrior Queen

Accomplishments & Achievements

Survived the Demon onslaught of Phylax

Personality Characteristics


The well being of her land and people

Virtues & Personality perks

She is considered to be brave, generous, and insightful


Religious Views

She worships the Goddess Athena, Artemis and Poseidon
Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Queen, Warrior, Demon Slayer
Year of Birth
38 TE 30 Years old
Current Residence
Bright Green
Long Sleek Black Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
Quotes & Catchphrases
A dead warrior is better than a living coward
Aligned Organization


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