The Atriacian Kingdom Organization in The Land of Volara | World Anvil

The Atriacian Kingdom

In Atracia the values of loyalty, glory, intelligence, hospitality is important to their everyday life. While they may be simple they are one of the most prosperous kingdoms in Volara. Atracia holds education to a high extent and implements this to their military no matter what rank. This ensures that when a leader dies the warriors wont run out of leaders until all of them dies.


  1. The Monarch and Council of Elders
  2. Soldiers and Common People

Public Agenda

The Monarch usually oversees the protection of its people and the council addresses the needs of the people


Due to their closeness to the Sea they are well skilled in shipbuilding and fishing. They also trade in Famous Atracian Wine, Olive Oil, Pottery, and Metal Works

Demography and Population

The land of Atracia is mostly made up of humans but a small of population of dwarfs live among them which they treat as an equal as long they follow the laws of Atracia.


The kingdom of Atracia Occupies the North East of Volara which is filled with cliffs and karst .


The Atracian Army is a small force of 10,000 soldiers. They vary between archers, Spearmen who wield Shields and Swordsmen. What they lack in numbers is made up by their highly trained and well skilled warriors who devout their life to combat and studying many combat tactics and strategies.


Most of the Atracian people worship The gods and goddesses, Athena, Poseidon, and Artemis

Foreign Relations

Atracia usually clashes with the kingdom of Nord. They find there way of life somewhat barbaric and their blatant mistreatment of Elves, Orcs, and Dwarfs do not sit well with them. Atracia is well allied with Barcana because Atracia sent troops to aid Barcana when they were being Invaded by Yadimor during the Era of Chaos.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
Gold, Silver, Copper
Legislative Body
The Council of Elders who serve Atracia rather than the monarch
Judicial Body
The Queen and the Council
Neighboring Nations

Atracian Foot Soldier


Atracian Spearmen


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