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Session 31: Brigands on the Run!

General Summary

The companions had defeated the massed threat in the hall of brigands, but would they be given time to heal? Brimble Knackles cast Leomund's Tiny Hut and Detect Magic while the others bandaged wounds, stretched joints and oiled blades. Brimble's magic revealed dweomers radiating from the splint mail and longswoard that Brynnwythlinmardcaladog took from the defeated sword master in the hall (both +1).   After tending to their immediate needs, the companions set a watch with Finn drawing the short straw. The dwarf wandered around the hall while his friends took a kip. But wait, what was that sound? Enemies encroached upon the heroes. Some well-seasoned fighters pushed past the blockaded doors of the hall and fought with Finn. One ran back to warn his evil companions while all the heroes joined the new fight. Mi'tsuru'gi and Brynn chased the runner and fought with him and his captain who had emerged from a nearby room. It seems by killing these brigands the threat was over.   With Mitsu now on watch, the companions once again lay down to rest their bones. Only the cries of wolves greeted Mitsu's ears in the first hour of his watch, but a few hours later he noticed someone or thing testing the blocked doors of the hall. Priests of Iuz soon came from multiple directions, but the heroes were ready, and after a maelstrom of arrows, axes, and spells, four evil clerics lay dead, their black robes of the Old One stained with blood. One had a letter laying out battle plans: the Orcs of the Barriers, Undead of the Fens, and Monsters of the Dim will immenently attack the forces of Bissel! The letter had the name Waquounis penned to it.   After this harrowing discovery, Mitsu, followed behind by his comrades, explored much of the dungeon level: barracks, kitchens and store rooms. To the south the spirit of the complex changed: a temple dedicated to some evil god, a clerical preparation room and hallways leading into darkness. The heroes retreated to find a place where they might finally rest.   They chose to shelter in a magic-user's study and laboratory, a set of rooms hidden behind a demon head statuary down one of the dungeon halls. The papers in the study and the tinctures in the lab suggested work on controlling and raising undead, under the direction of one Gormundel. Perhaps Gormundel is also a poet as some verse was found in his desk, Gormundel's Parchment, but where was the wizard. After Brim raised the hut in the study, Finn again took first watch. Finally, a chance to rest, but soon came sounds of movment in the adjoining laboratory...

Rewards Granted

Brigand Captain: 700
Captain's Guards x 4: 400
Priests of Iuz x 4: 1800
  Exploration and Interaction
Finding evil battle plans 100     Total of 500 xp per PC

The Iuzian clerics laid low, but at what cost (Brynn and Rivine fighting for their lives!)

by Andy P
Report Date
20 Jun 2023
Primary Location


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