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Session 33: the cavern below

Written by ethancochrane

General Summary

Ul-lon the priest of Iuz had been defeated and now the heroes went through his chambers, and that of the clerics travelling with him. The clerical cells were sparsely furnised; a cot, a table, and most had journals and packs suggesting the former occupants were a visiting delegation. They must have come to convince Sakatha to join Iuz and him imminent attack upon Bissel. Rivine found one journal entry suggesting the emmisaries of the Old One had entreated Sriniva, Baron of the Horselords, to join, but the evil priests were rebuffed. A 'drained' reptillian (seemingly) egg was found in another cell. This aroused Finn's curiosity, and he took it.
  Wearied by battle, the heroes again rested within Brimble Knackles's Tiny Hut. Before first watch, Mi'tsuru'gi explored nearby rooms, finding mostly the quarters of higher ranking brigands. Aside from coin and various personal effects, Mitsu happened upon a twine necklace from which dangled five mummified elf fingers. A grim discovery, indeed. The elf of the Dim Forest returned to begin his watch, and while it was uneventful, he did hear movement of creatures to the west, speaking in a foreign tongue that sounded strong and consonant-rich.
  After their rest, the companions moved to explore the shrine room and Brimble quickly found a secret door behind the southern tapestries. This led to a bending corridor and after two turns, Mitsu was confronted by a small floating skull. After some back and forth with his comrades, Mitsu and the group decided to attack the skull. It retaliated with weapons doing little damage as Burning Sphere flew from the skull's gaping mouth. Mitsu's arrows, and spells from the gnome eventually destroyed the hovering undead. A single door at the end of the corridor was visible.
  Rivine and Finn passed through the door to find a small room with two more doors, left and right. Rivine put an ear to the left door and ... the door attacked. A massive, toothed maw emerged from the door and an arm emerged to grapple the half-elf. With Rivine incapacitated, Finn attacked the door, and the companions rushed in to help. After throwing axe and sword against the mimic, it splintered,  almost disovled, and Rivine tumbled to the floor. Such things a barbarian from the Horsehills encounters in the world!
  Brimble quickly found a secret door in the wall opposite the entrance and the companions went through to a short corridor, in the floor of which was another well hidden portal. Upon opening it, the companions were greeted by dark stairwell leading steeply down. Going first, Mitsu spotted an odd looking step and told his companions to avoid it. To be safe, the party used a rope and pitons to descend and when they reached bottom, they emerged into a vast cavern.
  The cavern continued past their sight, except for points of firelight far off and to the right. In front a river flowed, emerging and exiting from the cavern walls, and blocking their path. Near the adventurers were two snug, sandy, and dry caves leading down into the rock. Beyond the river they could see a number of barrows to the left and a large pyramid just beyond. Massive doors on the pyramid faced the companions, suggested trials within. The heroes scouted the near riverbank and found bootprints, evidence of three humans or demi-humans who had passed through the river and up the stairs within the half-day.
  A small boat materialised at the river's edge and this the party chose not to believe. The river, too, soon faded from their view and the companions walked across to the barrows en route to the pyramid.
  From the barrows crawled five wights, evil undead whos claws drain life. The wights ran to attack and the heroes joined. The undead seemed bent on elf-killing and drew the lifeforce from Rivine and tracked Mitsu as best they could, but eventually, unliving were slain again. Mitsu made a necklace of their fingers while the companions consider what the rest of Gormundel's Parchment meant for them.

Rewards Granted

1x Flameskull: 1,100
5 x Wights: 3,500
1 x Mimic: 450
Using Gormundel's Verse: 50
  Total XP per PC: 1020

Rivine is attacked by a Door Mimic

by Patricia Pillay
Report Date
14 Jul 2023
Primary Location
by Easley

Wights from the cavern below


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