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Session 34: A Feast Spurned?

General Summary

The heroes yearned for rest after defeating the wights, so they retreated to one of the dry caves south of the illusionary river. With the particulars of watch order dertermined, Mi'tsuru'gi reconnoitered the "river's" edge. Humans has passed here and to the upper dungeon levels at seperate times over the last several days. Tracks of bugbears and other humanoids were also present. During this watch and rest, there was little change to the lizard encampment to the northeast.   At the end of thier rest Finn used all his will (1 level of exhaustion for 24 hours) to transfer his blessing of the forge to Mitsu's bow, a preparation for things to come.   The heroes walked to the pyramid beyond the riverbed and beheld the high bronze doors promising entrance. Scenes of lizard man life adorned the portal, along with depictions of a great Lizard King with lighting bolts streaking from his fingers. Gaining entrance by uttering the name Sakatha, the heroes were in a hall stretching left and right, with a short hall directly in front. All ended in doors. Exploring these passages, Mitsu and Brimble Knackles discovered traps before each door. Triggering the trap to east exposed a spiked pit and a false ceiling that released rocks and rubble upon the floor. The central door was protected by wall spikes that the heroes were able to trigger without injury. The trap to the east was locked in place.   Beyond the eastern door was a long hallway-room with a hunting scence in shell-moasic upon the wall (Beware the marksman and his prey: Gormundel's Parchment). Within minutes the giant ape and huting dogs (Hell Hounds) leapt from the mosaic and attacked the party. Rivine  fought off fearsome blows and Brynnwythlinmardcaladog was laid low by the hounds' fire breath, but eventually the beasts were killed. Upon their deaths the creatures vanished.   Mitsu then entered the room beyond the central door, after carefully making his way around the spears jutting from the walls next to the door. Finn followed closely. The walls of this hall showed a great feast, mirrored by the long table in the room's centre (Then find the place I lie in eternal feast: Gormundel's Parchment). The table was surrounded by chairs with an elaborate wooden and shell throne at the far end. Every delectable was laid out in feast and as Mitsu walked around the table, Finn stole a sausage, the most delicious he had every tasted (and from which he gained 1 HP). Reaching the end of the table, Mitsu spied a door in the floor and upon opening it saw stairs into darkness.   At the same time. two lizard men attendants stepped from the wall mosaic and in gutteral common offered Mitsu and the party places at the feast, encouraing them to sup and revitalize. Mitsu was wary. He stepped past the reptiles and back towards the door. They again offered the party to dine. Mitsu raised his bow.

Rewards Granted

Monster XP:
1 x Dire Ape: 1100
2 x Hell Hounds: 1400
  Total XP per PC: 500

Mitsu investigates The Eternal Feast while Finn watches

Report Date
25 Jul 2023
Primary Location


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