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Session 35: the final countdown

General Summary

Although the Lizardmen attendants offered a seemingly exquisite meal, several companions (save the dwarf Finn) were uninterested and attacked their reptilian hosts. A short battle ensued with arrows shot and illusions cast and the lizardmen fell. Before leaving the feast hall, Finn and Brynnwythlinmardcaladog  sat for refreshment, and then followed their companions below (the two earned a full-rest in game terms for this).
  The stairs dropped deeper to an antechamber and single door from which reptilian and sweet incense smells emerged. Cracking the door and peering in the heroes saw three humans behind an altar at the far side of large room and perhaps 10 or more lizard men facing the humans. A kind of ceremony and meeting was taking place with chants and divine appeasements interspersed with talk of battle plans. The human in charge was none other than the priest who attacked the heroes at their audience with Baron Thoedeor! (Session 27: Things get complicated)
  A battle plan was formed. Brimble Knackles opened the door and cast Phantasmal Force while Mi'tsuru'gi and others moved in. The spell entranced many of the Lizardmen and two of the humans (but not their old foe!). In battle joined, the remaining Lizardmen and one of their leaders attacked the heroes while the old foe escaped through a secret door on the back wall, but not until he had cast Fireball, dealing an almost-death blow to Rivine . After hacking and slashing the phalanx of Lizardmen was defeated, although one escaped up the stairs. Only the trident wielding leader was left to fight the elf and Brynn. His three-pronged weapon failed him this day and he was killed by the heroes. Mitsu took his weapon in triumph.
  The dead had little on them, as if they were prepared for a journey. And indeed some papers held by the humans and the lizard leader indicated that attack by a lizardman army on the Shaeje was imminent, this side of a day, and including the lizardmen bivouacked in the cavern above.
  No time for that now though. The heroes explored the corridors beyond the secret door and found passages leading to a crypt (“Shun the Royal Brides!” thought Mitsu Gormundel's Parchment) and separate doors leading to a larger chamber within which both human and reptillian voices could be heard. The heroes burst through both doors.

Rewards Granted

Priest x 2: 900
Lizard King x 1 (not THE king): 1100
Lizard Shaman x 2: 900
Lizardman x 7: 700
  Information gleaned:
battle plans: 500
  total XP per PC: 820

Battle in the Lower Temple

by Patricia Pillay
Report Date
04 Aug 2023
Primary Location


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