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Session 37: Breathe in the Air

General Summary

Sakatha had left his tomb to lead armies against Shaeje and while the heroes had sent their fey owl familiar to warn the baron, it was unclear if this would tip the battle in his favour. Without much hope the heroes considered how to leave the tomb with a dozen peasant prisoners of the Lizard King. Leaving by the front door wouldn't work as there were likely no boats for a score travellers. Steno, the one adventurer amongst the prisoners had heard of 'another way'. After some searching the party found a secret passage in the Lizard Wives' tomb that led to caverns below.
  Descending stairs cut into the rock, Mi'tsuru'gi scouted ahead to find narrow cavern passages surrounding a central cave, along with adjacent cavities in the rock and a passage leading far away.
  The remainder of the party descended while Steno and the peasants stayed above. As the heroes explored, some saw flashes of light out of the corner of their eyes. The lights appeared quickly and then were gone. Within a few moments, however a light next to Brynnwythlinmardcaladog  lashed out with a bolt of electricity. The hereos converged on the floating phantasm as more appeared in the tunnels. A battle and chase to find the lights began as they winked out and then back on with shocking attacks. One light went into the central cavern and through rock walls to disappear.
  With the Wisps away, Brimble Knackles squeezed though a crack into the central cavern, the only one of the party small enough to make it through. As he explored a central stalagmite, a giant maw cut open across the rock and a Roper entangled the gnome in its tentacles. Before he could be crushed or rent, Brimble Misty Stepped out of the chamber and the heroes began to fire missles at the Roper through cracks in the rock. While the creature attacked the heroes with the long reach of its tendril, eventually the rocky monster succumbed to arrow, bolt, and spell.
  The only way out was a long corridor in the rock and the heroes took this with the peasants trailing and Steno as rear guard. The tunnel ran and ran, and after hours of walking, what must have been a league or two, the heores came to a large cavern with one exit and a floating bulbous guardian with a central eye and eye-stalks sprouting from topmost curve. The heores had heard tale of creatues of immense power and evil such as this.
  Retreating down the passage, they discussed a plan. Gil, Brimble's owl, flew through the chamber and out the exit. The eye creature paid the owl no heed, but the fey bird did not return. As a test, Mitsu crept up the passage to the cavern entrance and loosed an arrow at the monster. It exploded sending a shower of spores to the floor -- a fungus of some sort, an imposter of the eye-beast.   Feeling the promise of fresh air, the heroes made for the exit and into s small tribe of Bullywugs lairing in a few caves at the swamp's edge. Thinking they might entreat with the amphibians, Mitsu took a moment to observe the froggy creatures, but determined they would probably not understand or care to parlay. A quick battle across two connected caves saw ten of the Bullywugs draw their last breaths.   Now the heroes emerged at the edge of the Fetid Fens in the last rays of the day. Looking toward the northeast and Shaeje two to three days hence, they knew not what would befall the barony.

Missions/Quests Completed

10 x Bullywugs: 500
4 x Will o' Wisps: 1800
1 x Roper: 1800
1 x Gas Spore: 100
  Escape from the Swamp:
300 xp   Total xp per PC: 900

Brimble alone against a roper

by Patricia Pillay (edited by E Cochrane)
Report Date
19 Sep 2023
Primary Location


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