BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 42: Haywood's Lesson

General Summary

The image of the doppelganer emerging from the body of the 'baron' was still in their thoughts as the party made their way through a long tunnel to what they assumed would be the baron's keep. Ahead Mi'tsuru'gi saw the purple glow of the fungus they had found throughout the druid caverns. And he emerged into a cave populated by fungus large and small. One mushroom rose, a brown fungi with angry white pustules on its red cap and attacked. More fungi joined the battle as the party shot missles from the corridor. Brynnwythlinmardcaladog , tired of the back and forth, ran into the room, taking the fight to the fugus. The myconids blew spores and clubbed the heores, but were soon sauteed.   A single tunnel provided exit, and toward the sound of rushing water. A wide river flowing underground (letting the days go by) greeted the companions, blocking passage to a ledge and landing at the far side. Although there was an intriguing metal ring in the cavern ceiling above the river, Brimble Knackles Misty Stepped across the water and affixed a rope with hammer and piton. Using this the party crossed to be greeted by a solid iron door and a dead Hoch Jebline ('high goblin' in Flan). Although the Hobbo had battle wounds, these had not killed him. The party turned to the door.   After some investigation Mitsu found a small depression in the portal and he set the baron's signet ring within it. The door clicked open and the passage continued.   The passage continued to large rectangular cavern with a high vaulted ceiling and mushrooms, large and smalll along the cavern's perimeter. At the far end was an altar of sorts, formed of flowstone and shapped like mushrooms. Kneeling next to it was a man in robes. Or at least Rivine thought so as she approached.   Indeed, it was a man. Haywood Floyd, priest of Geshtai and servant of the Baron. Haywood knew not how he came to be next to the altar, and he seemed not to notice the grevious wounds to his torso, wounds that would kill any person. The party learned from Haywood that he was fighting -- as best he could, not quite trained in the more martial behaviours -- he was fighting to protect the keep when he was set upon by a bugbear with a great flail. The next he knew, Haywood was talking to Mitsu and Rivine.   With their new companion the adventurers found a secret door behind the mushroom altar and this revealed a corridor of dressed stone masonry, leading left and right. To the right were stairs spiralling around a central pillar up into the darkness. To the left, two doors opposite each other and a dead end. As the companions discussed their options, Mitsu noticed Haywood's visage change; he gained a ghastly greenish palor, half the skin on his skull melted away, and one could see the bones beneath his flesh. Haywood seemed not to notice and when his newly acquired form was made known to him he was confused and uncertain.   No matter. To the left the first door revealed a ransacked treasury with just a few Bisselite rocs (copper pieces) on the floor. The second door, however revealed a chamber of Cullen Drae heirlooms secreted in locked and trapped chests. Mitsu, his eyes gleaming, disarmed the dart traps and the locks upon the chests. Within he found a Javelin of Lightning, a Bow of the Night, a Hat of Disguise, and a scroll with incantations of Teleport and Legend Lore upon it.   With these riches, the party examined the dead-end corridor and discovered another door, hidden behind the stones. Opening this, a long and narrow tomb, six sepulchres within, greeted Mitsu. He stepped into the room and cautiously moved through. As his foot fell to the centre of the chamber, two Spectral Guardians appeared, to his front and back, their eyes gleaming.

Rewards Granted

Myconid Deathcap x 1: 1100
Fungal Folk Alchemist x 3: 600
Befriending Haywood Floyd (Fane Spirit): 700
  Total XP per PC: 600

A dead Hobgoblin confronts the heroes

Report Date
04 Dec 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Rivine and Mitsu meet Haywood Floyd


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