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Session 43: Escape from Shaeje

General Summary

Suddenly Mi'tsuru'gi was flanked by Spectral Guardians, a green mist swirled from their dented armour and drifted across the floor. The elf was struck by their sword blows and froze with fear. Two more slashed from the undead warriors and Mitsu lay unconcious, his comrades still in the corridor beyond. And from their sheltered position his comrades hurled spells and bolts upon the undead while Brynnwythlinmardcaladog channeled the Old Faith to cast Healing Word upon his stricken companion. This brought Mitsu back, and the Guardians followed him and the party into the corridor. The Guardians used both sword and fear, but eventually they succumbed to the party's number and guard the tomb no more.   After moving through a hall of ancestors the party ascended stairs to ground level and a private chapel within the keep. As Haywood led them to the Baron's chambers guards blocked their patt. The guards were not accommodating, although one left to discuss matters with Brent Longknight, captain of the guard. Moments later Brimble Knackles, uncharacteristically rash, cast Sleep upon the remaining guard and the party rushed past to the baron's chambers.   Jorlon, the baron's chief priest and advisor, and Longknight admitted the party (those who agreed to disarm) and quickly heated discussion arose with Rivine demanding payment from the baron for the quest he had laid upon them. The captain and priest were about to throw the partyfrom the room when Baron Theodeor called the gnome to his sickbed. The baron dismissed concerns of payment; the treausry was empty, and a man near death cares little for worldy debts. He asked Brimble what he would die and kill for, ambiguous questions to which the gnome gave ambiguous answers. At that, the baron looked at Brimble with his dying eyes and stated that he knew what hunted the gnome and his companions and that their safety lay with the baron's son, currently headed west to Thornward. These were the last words spoken by Theodeor Cullen, Baron of Cullen Drae.   The baron's death spurred Jorlon and he and Longknight led the party from the chambers, suggesting they could quit the keep (perhaps to find the baron's son), or stay to join in its defence. Pondering their fates, the party took shelter in the kitchens were they also filled their bellies and met a sell-sword, or sell-staff, Jolee, human monk, and disciple of Rao from the Monastery of Serene Thought. Jolee had been travelling south and found himself in Shaeje at the wrong time, but decided to aid in the Keep's defence. Now, however, he took an opportunity to see a new road with new companions.   The party left the city the next evening, hoping to make it to the back barbican in darkness, by way of the druid caverns and the Druken Ogre pub (see Session 38: Coming Home to Roost). As they emerged from beneath the Ogre, the street to the barbican was quiet (too quiet!) and indeed as the companions snuck through the gloaming, hoboglins and bugbears attacked as though the goblinkin were lying in ambush. The bugbears were easily dispatched, but the hobbos were a spellcaster and master monk. The caster attacked from afar with Thunderwave, but was soon beset by Brynnwythlinmardcaladog . At the same time the monk battled Rivine and Jolee with furious blows, but outnumbered she disappeared into the shadows. Followin her lead the caster enchanted himslef with Fly and lept into the sky. Rivine heaved her Javelin of Lightning, striking the hobgoblin in flight and with a starburst he was just pieces of cloth and flesh spinning to the earth.   Quickly, the party made the barbican and left the city for the road west in cover of darkness.

Rewards Granted

Spectral Guardian (modified) x 2: 3600
Bugbear x 5: 1000
Hobgoblin Devastator x 1: 1100
  Total xp for Brimble, Mitsu, Brynn, Rivine: 1320
Total xp for Jolee: 420

Mitsu surrounded by Spectral Guardians

Report Date
05 Dec 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location

The baron of Cullen Drae lies dying on his bed

This article has no secrets.


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