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Session 46: Demonic Knight, Otyugh, "The Guy"!

General Summary

The Demonic Knight's blade cut through Shonrath's neck with surgical precision and sent the old cleric and farmer to Pelor's grace. The heroes attacked the knight while swarms of crawling claws ermerged from the niche and four shadow demons appeared in the crypt. The demons and knight fought savagely with Brynnwythlinmardcaladog  brought low and almost to death. His song however will continue, as the party destroyed the fiends and then healed thier comrade from the North. The Demonic Knight's weapons corroded upon his death, but Brynn discoverd a tatoo of sorts, a brand, a birthmark in the shape of the Skull of Iuz behind the demon's ear. It seems this fiend may have been in league with The Old One. What brought him here?   The heroes had time to ponder this as they spent the night in Shonrath's house and over the next day as they travelled to Thawr and the Twisted Maze Inn. The air in the city was close, a burned Geshtai temple smoldered near the east entrance, there were more Knights of the Watch and city guards on the streets than usual, and citizens grumbled about Shaeje refugees, the ineptitude of the appointed barony leader (Elgar), and the seizure of Baklunish citizen land.   They heard similar grumbles in the Inn. Patrons, lips loosed by drink, complained of foreigners in Thawr causing problems. Foke Barnswaggle lamented the ailing crops on his farm. Miles Groop (The Guy) had heard that agents of Iuz would assassinate the Margrave. Dark times.   Screams from outside brought the party and onlookers to investigate. The ground had opened near the outhouse and when Rivine  went to check, she fell into a subterranean chamber and tunnels. Rat swarms appeared from around a corner and the rest of the party came to her aid. But what were those garbled roars from the next room? An Otyugh lumbered towards the half-elf, tentatcled appendages slapping the stone walls. The battle was swift and the garbage beast was killed. As they explored the few exposed rooms, the heroes surmised that this must be a forgotten sewer under the city. The mouldering remains and rubbish in a nearby room held no clues, save for a single dungeon map and a metal vial of liquid. A crudely carved face of Beory adorned one wall.

Rewards Granted

Demonic Knight x 1: 2300
Shadow Demon x 4: 4400
Crawling Claw Swarm x 2: 200
Rat Swarm x 2: 100
Otyugh x 1: 1800
  Total per PC: 1760

The Demonic Knight and his Shadow Demons Attack the Heores!

Report Date
26 Jan 2024
Primary Location


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