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Session 49: It's a trap!

General Summary

Morning and the party were breakfasting in the Cracked Goblet, awaiting Trina’s arrival. When the wizard’s apprentice arrived, she was her usual dour self. Why, she asked the party, would such seasoned adventurers take a job as caravan guards, when the world was full of so much trouble (and potential riches): the giants still control Geoff and Sterich, Iuz has the lands from the eastern Vesve to the Bandit Kingdoms and has made incursions into Bissel, there’s even talk of fiends in our midst! Brynnwythlinmardcaladog brushed off the troubles in the Flanaess and replied that the trip took them towards another goal and with a promise of easy coin. Uli, Trina’s man-at-arms and companion from the keep, was nonplussed.
  Before setting off for Duragan’s Folly, the party left the inn to gather supplies. Just outside the door a grand opening sale was in progress at "Mage You Look" Potions and Scrolls. Proprietress Cizora was out front describing her wares and presiding over tables of food and drink for the gathering crowd. As the party enquired about items, a man stood up and shouted “too long have you all looked down on those who keep the vermin at bay and now you will feel our pointy wrath!” Rat swarms emerged from the sewers and nearby buildings and giant rats came out from behind carts and shadows. A battle of rats, townsfolk, and heroes took over the street. And while the swarms and giant rats were killed they managed some pointy retribution against the party and slayed some townsfolk. Wigmund, the man who took umbrage at treatment of Dountham’s rat-catchers, was an outcast member of that august guild. Importantly for the party, Cizora still honoured her sale prices and they were able to add a variety of healing potions and scrolls to their supplies.
  So Trina, Uli, and the party left for Hansonburg, a town one day’s travel toward the keep. To the horror and utter dismay of the pair, Hansonburg had been destroyed. Not a soul remained after an attack on the village that left buildings destroyed and their contents ruined or stolen (particularly any food). The heroes determined that an ogre troop was likely responsible for the massacre, and this stoked additional fears for Uli and Trina. Humanoids had in the past attacked the keep, but not for decades, and such creatures in the area had never been particularly organized, especially ogres. In discussion Uli noted that Theodocius had, perhaps, not seemed his normal self in recent weeks and Uli also noted a six-fingered hand graffiti on the keep walls, one that he had not seen before. This concerned the party, thinking the design to be that of Grazz’t, the demon lord father of Iuz. The coincidence was too close.
  A somewhat restless night in the ruined village was disturbed only by a campfire spied by Brynn off in the forest. After checking the next day, it looked like three trolls has spent the night there, before making their way towards the keep, as had the ogres of Hansonburg.
  As the travellers continued their journey in the morning light, a telepathic voice in Brimble Knackles's head warned that “Theodocius is a trap”, and then was gone. Something must be nearby. Suspicions heightened, the party confronted Trina, seeking answers. All, the party included, spoke within a Zone of Truth cast by the gnome, and Trina relayed all she knew: Theodocius was simply her master and while he might be strange, he was not evil, and this was no trap. The party also relayed their ulterior motives. They believed that Theodocius could advise them about a matter and sought an audience with the wizard. Afterwhich they planned to travel on to Gnome Valley. Brimble also used his Crystal Ball to scry upon the Theodocious, but found him only having his breakfast in his bedchamber, a normal morning.
  Certainly not suffused with a sense of security, the party travelled on and within a few hours they found a drunken ogre on the side of the road, moaning as he clutched a keg of ale. They filled him with arrows from a distance, curing what must have been a nasty hangover.

Rewards Granted

6 x rat swarms (2 driven off, same as killed): 300
4 x wererats: 1800
1 x rat catcher (subdued, same as killed): 450
  Social & Exploration
Zone of Truth discussion with Trina/Uli & scrying: 2000
  Total XP per PC: 1000 (rounded up)
  Note: no xp for slaying a drunken, helpless ogre.

Battle of the Rats!

Report Date
17 Mar 2024


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